Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Catch Rise of the Godslayer preview on Xfire

If you've been waiting for more information or a first look into Funcom's upcoming Age of Conanexpansion, Rise of the Godslayer, then you're in luck! This Thursday, April 29th at 12:00pm Pacific (3:00pm Eastern / 9:00PM CET), they're planning on holding a special preview streaming event in conjunction with Xfire to give everyone an early look into the exotic new lands of Khitai.

"Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer is now very close to launch and we are very excited to share our view of the expansion with the world through Xfire," says Game Director and Executive ProducerCraig Morrison

All you'll have to do to catch the preview is to point your browser at the main Xfire site at the time mentioned above, sit back, and enjoy the tour. The game's developers will be taking players along as they adventure through some of the new content, offering a chance to see lands and sights as yet unexperienced. There is also a plan to do a question and answer session after the preview as well. If you've been waffling on picking up the expansion, it sounds like a great way to figure out if it belongs on your "must pick up" list -- or to ask any questions about Age of Conan that you may have.
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Age of Conan unveils offline leveling

Funcom has announced their new Age of Conan offline leveling mechanic, introduced in the 1.07.2 patch that hit the live servers today. Senior Community Manager Oliver 'Tarib' Kunz details the system in a post on the game's official forums.

The new feature kicks off by giving each active account four levels which can distributed to any characters above level 30. Every four days, an additional level will be added to your offline leveling pool, again enabling you to bump up one of your post-30 avatars. The levels accrue regardless of whether you actually log into Age of Conan every four days provided you maintain an active subscription.

if you've got a gaggle of level 80 characters sitting on your select screen, the additional levels will be waiting for any new character that you create and advance to 30 or higher. Finally, Tarib notes that levels are permanent once assigned, so choose wisely. "Customer Support would not be able to take that level away from your character and add it back to your pool. So please be careful when assigning these levels," he says.

Check out the official announcement and stay with Massively for more details as well as Rise of the Godslayer info.
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Craig Morrison talks about the future of AoC.

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (AoC) has undergone quite a few changes since its launch in 2008 and with its first expansion on the horizon with Rise of the Godslayer, players who have been thinking about giving the game another look couldn't pick a better time. Funcom's GDC 2010 presentation offered a look at the game and what's new and what's to come for AoC and the team over at Massively recently caught up with AoC Game Director Craig 'Silirrion' Morrison to talk about future plans for the game, in-game events such as the Night of Lost Souls event, PvP content, the coming expansion, and much more.

Events, yes for sure -- in fact the Update 1.07 that is hopefully going to the live servers this week (we are doing the final launch testing as I write this) includes a pre-expansion special event which introduces players to some of the Khitan elements and offers some great limited time rewards.

Click here to read the full interview.

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