Hello,In this thread information will be provided on how to acquire Age Of Conan general beta client. Some of you might not be familiar with "torrents", so step by step instructions will be provided. So pay attention.
Step 1
Download and install Bit Torrent client software. uTorrent is among the best, so we suggest you get that.
Step 2
You will need application to extract zip archive (tho most operating systems already support this by default). You can get trial version of WinZip here.
Step 3
Download the zip file which will contain torrent file. Here are few mirror sites from where you can download the zip file.
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
Mirror 3
Mirror 4 - AoC Client of 01.04.2008
Step 4
Extract torrent file from the zip archive (generalbeta-02-26.zip) which you downloaded from the link above. Open the torrent file (generalbeta-02-26.torrent) and uTorrent (or other client) will automatically recognize the file and initiate itself.
Happy downloading.
P.S. You will need at least 12GB of empty HD space just to download the client, and at least 20GB free before you start installing it.
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