If you get yourself into too much trouble and want to loose your tail, either npc´s or players. Find a place to jump down, where you cant get up again.
Write in /stuck and it will take you right back up. I have used this alot to survive my sure death in pvp. Examples if u have a group running after you, you go down a hill where u cant walk up again and when all the players are following you with their eager thirst of revenge. You write in /stuck and get back up laughing at them, and they got no clue what happend, if lag made it look like u jumped over.
It also works if you jump down, lets say the bridge in aztels aproach. You will get warped right back up
Also the buildings in kheshetta, very handy if your standing on a roof shooting down people, and when they find a way up to you. You jump down and when the others do the same, you warp back up with stuck
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