September 25th, 2008 hexsane Posted in Age of conan news, Conan Fiction |

Age of Conan Lore Sidebar MenuThere have not been any Age of Conan Community Lore Library updates since May. In the ever growing world of AoC and the rich pool of resources available in the world of Conan fiction is there nothing more to be added to the lore of the realms? Although the frequency of updates to this library was slow at best and came mostly in spurts it is a great resource for new players interested in the history of AoC up to this point (or at least up to the 9th of May). If you read through it you might even learn something you didn’t already know about the places and people of the Hyborian Age.
Will the Age of Conan game content actually become a part of the Conan lore? There are already short fiction stories being written about adventures in the game. Will Conan, Inc allow it? Letting the people who enjoy the creation of Robert E. Howard control the path of the Hyborian Age might inject more interest in Conan and fresh talent should always be welcome. It remains to be seen if everything will need the stamp of approval from Conan, Inc. Time will tell.
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