I found this at mmoverload.com I can realy recoment this page as it got tons of tricks and tips, exploits, level guides and the first addons/UI customizations for age of conan I have seen on the net.
Version 1.1, May 21st, 2008
Created and maintained by Eduardo "LedMirage" Lucero
Thank you for downloading the Mirage UI for Age of Conan, this modification to the game adds two fixed shortcut bars with 17 key bindable buttons each above the main shortcut bar
without removing any functionality whatsoever to the existing default user interface.
The two extra bars are mirror images and extensions of the two additional hotbars the game supports (the two vertical invisible bars by default), you can bind every single new button by going to OPTIONS > CONTROLS and binding the following shortcuts:
Mirage UI Shortcut Bar #1 (17 Buttons)
The first 7 buttons correspond to "1st Extended Action Button" numbers 11 through 17
The last 10 buttons correspond to "1st Extended Action Button" numbers 1 through 10 and they line up perfectly with the default shortcut bar
Mirage UI Shortcut Bar #2 (17 Buttons)
The first 7 buttons correspond to "2nd Extended Action Button" numbers 11 through 17
The last 10 buttons correspond to "2nd Extended Action Button" numbers 1 through 10 and they line up perfectly with the default shortcut bar
The Combat Rose and interactive icons have been repositioned vertically as to not overlap the new shortcut bars.
The Mini Pet Control Bar and the Sould Fragment traker have been both repositioned to the center of the screen and right above the Mirage UI shortcut bar #2 (just below the combat rose).
Version 1.1, 5/21/2008
1. By popular demand I creatded a new alternate smaller scale version of the mod, this is a 3/4 scale version (75%) smaller set of shortcut bars that keep the full functionality of the game! See the extra installation notes to set it up.
2. New Player and Target Health, Stamina and Mana bars graphics, this is a minor cosmetic tweak
3. Changed the Player and Target names to use the in-game Hyborian font. Nods go to Werik for he was the first to make the use of the in-game font in his mod.
4. Fixed the default position of the Player and target timer bars. BTW they can be moved if you enable them under INTERFACE OPTIONS > ADVACED > SHOW TIMER BARS.
(Last revised 5/20/2008)
1. You agree to this agreement by downloading and using any and all files and intellectual property contained in this compilation.
2. You agree to NOT discredit any Author of their original work found in this compilation, be it code, graphics or intellectual property.
3. You agree to NOT hold any author responsible for any damage, data loss or any problems caused directly or indirectly by this compilation.
4. You agree to NOT use any material found in this compilation for monetary gain, as it is against Funcom's EULA agreement and it is NOT your right to make money off of other Author's work.
5. You may redistribute any and all files contained in this compilation ONLY if they remain unmodified, this user agreement is included and remains unmodified and proper credit to any and all Authors is given.
6. You may modify and redistribute any and all files contained in this compilation ONLY with the expressed written consent of any and all respective Authors.
7. If you do not agree then delete any and all files included in this compilation as well as previous and future versions of it, by doing this you implicitly agree to NOT use any and all material found in this compilation for any purpose.
8. Original Authors of Modifications included in the compilation have the final say in how any and all of their work is to be used, redistributed and modified, and in so doing taking precedence over any and all of the previously defined agreements.
Mirage UI Installation:
1. Exit the game.
2. Delete the contents found inside of your ..\Age of Conan\cd_image\Gui\Customized\ folder. This is done in order to prevent potential conflicts with other user modified content and compiled xml files (*.bxml)
SPECIAL NOTE: Do NOT delete your ..\cd_image\Gui\ or ..\Default\ folders ONLY ..\Customized\ if you do delete the other folders you will have to deal with a 911MB download!
3. Extract all the files from the Mirage UI Zip file to your root folder for the game, for example "C:\Program Files\Funcom\Age of Conan\" make sure to use the folder names options with winzip to create the necessary folder paths when you extract the files. Again, extract all the files in the zip file to your main Age of Conan game folder. (To install the smaller scale version of the mod skip to step #6)
4. Launch the game
5. Enjoy!
Mirage UI smaller scale Mod Installation:
6. Find the folder ..\Age of Conan\cd_image\Gui\Customized\Views\HUD\ inside you will find a file named "BottomBar.xml", delete this file. (NOTE: By default windows hide file extensions for known types, the .xml part may be hidden from you in which case you will only see a file named "BottomBar", this is the one to delete)
7. In the same folder you will find a file named "BottomBar.SMALL.xml", rename this file to "BottomBar.xml". (NOTE: By default windows hide file extensions for known types, the .xml part may be hidden from you in which case you will only see a file named "BottomBar.SMALL", this is the one to rename to "BottomBar")
8. Delete the file "BottomBar.bxml", that is extension BXML (four letters), if it's not there don't worry.
9. Launch the game.
10. Enjoy!
Known Issues and workarounds
If you have any problems not listed below it is highly recommended that do a clean installation of the Mirage UI as indicated in the Installation section, if this does not resolve your issue please let us know in the forums at http://ledmirage.net/
If you don't see health, stamina and mana bars but instead a non-colored background only and are missing the all of the images for the shortcut backgrounds then most likely you didn't extract all the graphics from the zip file to the correct location, open up the zip file and look at their paths, that's where they should be in your game folder - they go in the ..\cd_image\Gui\Default\gfx\bottombars\ and ..\cd_image\Gui\Default\gfx\PortraitGUI\portraitsb ottom\ do not worry they do not overwrite any base game files (hence they're named mui_*.tga)
When using the smaller scale UI version enabling Target of Target will offset the right half of the bars, there is no current workaround this issue at the moment, simply do not use the Target of Target feature if you want to use the smaller scale version.
There are duplicates of both of your default floating shortcut bars, this is normal as the Mirage UI uses the buttons in those two bars to create the new custom UI's, you can disable the two additional shortcutbars under OPTIONS > INTERFACE OPTIONS > HUD
You can download the Mirage UI for Age of Conan version 1.1 by clicking here
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