If you pick up this mish (from Idogbe, near the ship/pub), you have to kill 50 Red Hands, the problem is, you have to camp with a load of other players.
But, if you pick up the quest, and then go to Night Time, you get all the mobs to yourself. (I actually got the 50 from the story quest about stealing the medallion from the library).
Once you have the 50, you have to head back to the day to complete the quest. And if you leave the night, you cannot re-enter night till you level up, i.e. 15 and then at 19.
So, it's worth staying in the night to get the 50. It's not high XP, but makes it a lot easier to do.
This bit is from a mmOverload. The best Age of Conan Guide site on the net.
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