Hi all, here is my Hox's feeback, main character on the pvp server.
The first 20 lvl were a bit hard, thought i've never used pots for questing/grinding. But i could easely stand against two mobs without dying since Hox got really powerfull combos like molten slash.
Getting the contract of protection was really helpfull, as like as blood boil (great skill for pulling, and helping killing).
After lvl 20, things were really better, and HoX started to be a REAL killing machine, lvl 24 i was doing quests/grinding in pashtun's isle, and got no real problems. I was playing solo most of the time, one of my friend doing his owns quests in conall's valley.
aoc test 01 from badrasta on Vimeo.
We meet again after lvl 30 and played together (he plays a conqueror) and most the time was pur farm. HoX had a lot of big aoe damage and mobs dies very fast.
We played together until the last quest of FOTD (honored dead of cimmeria) and things was really easy. I've manage to do this last quest (the honored dead) all alone and got no problem again. Can stand against 3 mobs 1-2 lvl above mine without difficulty, just have to use pots.
Eiglophains moutains quests were done alone too, pretty fast (maybe 5-6 hours played) and things were a bit hard in Aztel approach. Got problems with the firsts quests. Thought i was alone, i've just changed somes little things on my feats tree and all was better ^^.
For now i'm in keshatta, lvl 77, with all no bugged quests dones (talking about the solo ones). I've started pvp with somes random guys who were here and have killed somes lvl 80.
HoX is REALLY monstruous in pve, farming mobs is quite easy, and the aoe help a lot. questing alone was not a big deal and i don't think i'm a great player, just common guy ^^.
Playing pvp is a bit different. Even with great combo damages, their animations are quite slow so it's not easy to use, got low hp (around 2600) and wearing cloth armor are not helpfull against others class, since we had to do toe to toe...
Since we don't have much cc skills (one great aoe stun with feats tree) pvp is most of the time hit&run (for ur life or for killing ^^).
I not used so much desecrating essense, since the cast is long and the duration not that great (even with the bonus damages) but used a lot hellfire breath who is great with 3-4 points in the feat.
About the feats tree, somes seems broken, like the first one in the avatar tree (don't get any proc, but the second one work in team).
Btw i had put somes points in the general mage tree, boosting my resist for slashing crushing etc damages, and boosting my absorption shield (and giving it somes reflections ability). The rest seems not according with the class.
I'll do somes better explanations for feats later, since i can't really remember wich ones seems broken or not.
I had somes suggestions:
- Got a little boost damage from the hellfire breath feat, because the damage are really random (often 250 damage at lvl 77 on lvl 77 mobs but can go up to 600 ^^') even with the feat who increase fire damage.
- Advantaging the desecrating essence, like placing the feats sooner in the feats tree (i've tryed playing with it and a 32 secondes polymorph with a shorter cooldown is great). But we had too spent a lot of feats points to get it really efficient.
- Little faster combos animations for pvping.
- Boost the dot duration for burn to death (really too short imo) Molten Slash (by the feats tree).
- More hp.
- Resist boost in demon form.
- All debuffs need a slighty boost i think.
Friendly Spells:
Arcane Abatement Rank 1 Level 17 (Sold in Tortage (?) and in Khemi (Matata))
Arcane Abatement Rank 2 Level 30 (Sold in Khemi (Akil))
Arcane Abatement Rank 3 Level 45 (Sold in Old Tarantia, North West of Noble District (Nekbheti))
Burning Skull Rank 1 Level 50 (Sold in Old Tarantia, North West of Noble District (Nekbheti)) (dmg shield)
Contract of Protection Rank 1 Level 10 (Sold in Tortage (?) and in Khemi (Matata))
Contract of Protection Rank 2 Level 25 (Sold in Khemi (Akil))
Contract of Protection Rank 3 Level 40 (Sold in Old Tarantia, North West of Noble District (Nekbheti))
Contract of Protection Rank 4 Level 55 (Sold in Old Tarantia, North West of Noble District (Nekbheti))
Desecrating Essence Rank 1 Level 4 (You gain this automatically at level 4)
Desecrating Essence Rank 2 Level 20 (Sold in Khemi (Akil))
Desecrating Essence Rank 3 Level 40 (Sold in Old Tarantia, North West of Noble District (Nekbheti))
Exultation of Xotli Rank 1 Level 45 (Sold in Old Tarantia, North West of Noble District (Nekbheti)) (short dmg buff, with a dmg debuff after)
Sign of Xotli Rank 1 Level 10 (Sold in Tortage (?) and in Khemi (Matata))
Sign of Xotli Rank 2 Level 30 (Sold in Khemi (Akil))
Friendly Spells from Feats:
Demonic Fortitude from Tier 3 at Level 20 (not sure if this is correct)
Hostile Spells:
Hellfire Breath Rank 1 Level 1 (You gain this at start automatically)
Hellfire Breath Rank 2 Level 25 (Sold in Khemi (Akil))
Hellfire Breath Rank 3 Level 40 (Sold in Old Tarantia, North West of Noble District (Nekbheti))
Hellfire Breath Rank 4 Level 55 (Sold in Old Tarantia, North West of Noble District (Nekbheti))
Inferno Curse Rank 1 Level 40 (debuff only usable when transformed) (Boss loot/Auction House)
Inferno Curse Rank 2 Level 55 (Sold in Old Tarantia, North West of Noble District (Nekbheti))
Word of Command Rank 1 Level 15 (Sold in Tortage (?) and in Khemi (Matata))
Word of Command Rank 2 Level 30 (Boss loot/Auction House)
Word of Command Rank 3 Level 45 (Sold in Old Tarantia, North West of Noble District (Nekbheti))
Level 05 Hell Strikes I
Level 07 Molten Steel Slash I
Level 15 Burn to Death I
Level 17 Pillar of Infernal Flame
Level 20 Hell Strikes II
Level 20 Molten Steel Slash II
Level 24 Burn to Death II
Level 28 I Eat Your Heart
Level 32 Pillar of Infernal Flame II
Level 44 Burn to Death III
Level 48 Body and Spirit Wrack I (hp/mana dmg)
Level 52 Hell Strikes IV
Combos from Feats:
At level 30 --> Level 70 Fire Lance (from Avatar tree) Can be used at Level 40
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2 kommentarer:
Approximately how long did it take for you to reach 77?
about 2 weeks I'll say. Diden't check my ingame play time, and its not possible any more.
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