Saturday, September 27, 2008

Age of Conan Script: Make People Say things

As im sure some people have seen in Game people link things in Channels that when you click it, it makes you say things well here is how you do it.

Goto your AOC directory and make a file called say.txt and put this in it

    /chsay OOC <#a href="text://<#a href='chatcmd:///chsay OOC IM A RETARD'>NO REALLY DONT CLICK ME<#/a>">DONT CLICK ME<#/a>

Then in game just type "/say.txt" when they click on the link they will say "Im a retard" in OCC channel

remove #

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Age of Conan Exploits: Kill elites without taking damage

This is a minor exploit, it only works on 2 mobs, The thing is, they are the first mobs in zone, so you can keep reseting instance to kill them repeatably and try to get some "phat lewt"
I think this exploit would be good for rangers, because it's a ranged attack exploit and obviously they do max damage with range.

Anyways, run into Cannable caves, run through the beginning mobs, aggro the whole camp to your right as you come in, then hop up on the wall on the right, run back towards entrance along it about 10meters and 2 of the mobs will stay in combat with you and just stand there while you range attack them down to no health.
Some reason all the mobs tether back when you do this except for 2 of them. So you can try to find other mobs in the zone that won't tether on you if you pull them there.

The exploit works, i guess it's up to you whether it's helpful or not. For me it was not, i do mellee dps so it's worthless, but i found it so im posting it. Hope it helps someone out though, or someone improves on it.

If you enjoyed this exploit, I recoment you to check out mmOverload This site is by far the best Age of Conan Exploit site on the net!

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Age of Conan exploit: Get through Any City Wall

Firstly i know theres a crouching one out there, not sure if it still works.

But from what ive experimented with, if you go up to any city wall, it has to be a straight wall not a curved one, and you position your self so your touching the wall, then aim for the part where the wall meets the visible wooden support and jump into it, you can pass right through the wall.

I haven't had the chance to test it on battle keeps cause my guild doesn't have one yet, but since it works on everything up to T3 Normal cities it should work in PvP as well.

If you enjoyed this exploit, I recoment you to check out mmOverload This site is by far the best Age of Conan Exploit site on the net!

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

AOC Cheats - Logout while hidden and remain hidden

This is not exactly an exploit but if you sometime will need to log out fast and while hidden - to avoid detection: just kill AoC in task manager or Disable your Internet connection.

Normal logout process breaks hiding thus exposing you - and getting you killed on PvP server (loosing PvP exp - after PvP patch). You can use zoning to get away from foes - but sometimes it will just take too long to do that.

Also when you will log in - you will be hidden - but that isnt important.

If you enjoyed this exploit, I recoment you to check out mmOverload This site is by far the best Age of Conan Exploit site on the net!

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Solo all quests in the arena both solo and group as Necro

I recommend a level 50 necro so you can finish the entire quest line but this works for anyone taking the quest. Kick up the damage and bring anyone who can do ranged attacks. Works great with additional casters who have aoe.

After taking the quest. Walk through the tunnel into the arena and as soon as you enter take a hard right. You will see a gong and the roped off area that lines the arena from within. If you jump along side the wall and over the rope(again between the gong and the wall where you enter the arena from the tunnel) you can jump over the rope and achieve the same basic effect as casting from within a wall. The advantage for you here though is you can ring the gong and start the fight from behind the rope and send your pets it and not be touched as if you were in the wall. You can stand back with others with aoe and rain down dps on the mobs as your pets keep it busy. Whne the mob is dead simply walk through the rope and back to the quest giver to get the quest for the next fight.

If you enjoyed this exploit, I recoment you to check out mmOverload This site is by far the best Age of Conan Exploit site on the net!

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Age of Conan Hints and Tips

Entering the world of Hyboria can sometimes be confusing and many players could use a few tips to get them started. To aid in the learning curve Funcom added some useful tips on the loading screen for players to read as they load into the game. However, there are many of these tips and you can never be sure if you will get the same one or a new one, so Ten Ton Hammer has put together a nice collection of these tips to aid you in your journey through Hyboria.

  • Press "I" to view your inventory

  • Loading tips can contain useful information on gameplay.

  • Hit Backspace to toggle between run and walk

  • "Shift R" toggles between weapon sets.

  • Holding "CTRL" displays your shields and using the "Direction Arrows" shifts their distribution.

  • Combos do more damage than normal attacks.

  • Press "U" to activate usable items in the world.

  • "ALT + Z" toggles the GUI on and off.

  • Press "F11" to take a screenshot

  • Remember to train your feats after gaining a new level.

  • Double-click a Quest Goal on your map to make it your active quest.

  • Hold alt to swap to alternate hotbar.

  • When clicking Tabs for Inventory, Character, etc., hold "CTRL" to only open the left side or "ALT" for the right side.

  • Drag and drop items into the chat to create a link for others to see.

  • Toggle between walk mode and jog mode by pressing backspace.

  • "Shift-Click" bags to loot all items.

  • Double tap a movement direction while in combat to make your character dodge in that direction.

  • "Shift L" to lock in your shortcut bar so you don't drag them off when you least want to.

  • Holding down your right mouse button and pressing the left one will make your character move forward.

  • You can switch playfield instances by clicking the gold down-arrow above your minimap. Check if you and your friends are in the same instance.

  • Pressing "ESC" will bring up the options window.

These tips and hints can prove useful during your time in Hyboria. Mark them and use them well as they can save you time and in some cases your avatar's life.

This guide was original postet on mmOverload. The best Age of Conan Exploit site on the net.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Age of Conan hint/tip: How to kill the boss in Halls of Eternal Frost

This is how to kill the (pretty tough) end boss of the Halls of Eternal Frost (Ice Ruins):

Up until the Acheron Endboss the instance is really easy. But the Boss and its minions are really tough.

One Player needs to collect the sand from the desk. Make sure it is not the healer and not the (main) tank.

Clear the room around the boss. Now, the player with the sand can trigger the fight by talking to the boss. he is going to spawn minions. The player with the sand will always have initial aggro. He now runs out of the room and through the corridor. He/she takes the corridor, that leads back to the boss room at the other side. The player with the sand is able to run in circles and drag the minions after him.

The tank shoots the boss after the pull and drags him to the rear end of the room, where he is killed by the group.

This way the sand bearer can pass through the boss room without losing the minions.

When the boss is dead, the minions will disappear, so no need to kill them. They do massive damage and have a lot of hp anyways.

This guide was original postet on mmOverload. The best Age of Conan Exploit site on the net.

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Age of Conan Hint/Tip: Some easy XP for every Level

Perepreqisitiesys or what ever:

  • Two Chars or a friend

  • First Acc´s Chars level differs at least nine above or lower Second Acc´s Chars Level

  • Both have to be above 40. Minimum is one 40, another 49.


All Ressource-Instances got quests which are repeatable every 24 hours.
(Imirian, Frost, zaara)

Get yourself invited to your friend or your second char. With the high-level
take all the quests you can get. With the lower-level take at least one quest.

Enter instance with the low-level FIRST. Then enter with the high-level.

For the high-level all mobs are grey. This means no aggro. Now all quests regarding killing not-boss-mobs, destroying certain things, pick up certain things, or even when youre much more higher than the bosses, killing bosses is very easy.


Nearly all quests are scaled in their value to your actual level.

This means you get the full quest experience no matter if for example the mobs you have to kill are 40 levels lower than you.

Got the point?


I am actual level 76 with one char, I do above mentioned thing, only doing it with three easy Quests, costs me about 5-10 Minutes, I get 249.800 exp.

I think that is not too bad for a few minutes. Especially when you are in a Guild and have to visit your city and have a bit of spare time.

This guide was original postet on mmOverload. The best Age of Conan Exploit site on the net.

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Friday, September 5, 2008

Age of Conan Exploits: Respawn Raid Boss

I know this works for sure on Yakhmar; you can respawn him as many times as you like.

Once you've killed him the first time, just have everyone drop group (it will automatically port you out of instance). Once outside, reform the raid with the same groups and raid leader, and zone in to reset instance.

Have yet to test thoroughly on other bosses. Kylliki seems like it resets also but causes issues at times (split groups), while Vistrix seems to keep its lock.

This guide was original postet on mmOverload. The best Age of Conan Exploit site on the net.

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Yakhmar the easy way

So we've all fought yakhmar, well now you can fight him without the pain of killing his adds.

  • Whoever creates the raid(or maybe just the raid leader) gets the initial aggro from yakhmar's adds(yearlings).

  • There are a few tunnels near the entrance to yak(the small tunnel leading to the large chamber opening), it's possible to jump into these tunnels and the adds can not reach you and stop moving due to pathing issues.

So here's the exploit, simply get the raid leader to jump into the tunnel and none of the adds will be able to reach him and thus will stop moving due to pathing issues. We had every member of our raid beating down yak while the adds just sat around.

The only problem with this is if the raid leader wants any loot he will have to jump out of the tunnel, he will die and the adds will go after the next person on the aggro list, with the amount of adds that spawn(we had over 100 which was actually a good grind spot if you have sub 80's) this would be a problem. As long as the raid leader in the tunnel does not die the adds will not move. Simply loot the gear and wait until everyone exits or path's out.

Also supposedly Yak is bugged and you can repeat him without the timer, we have yet to figure out how to do this part, this could potentially make countless runs very easy.

Keys points:

  • The tunnels are on the right hand side approaching the large chamber, they are hard to see going down to the chamber but much easier to see coming back from the chamber(which would put them on the left hand side)

  • Raid leader must jump into the tunnel(use the slope) and stay in there, do not stand near the opening of the tunnel as yearlings can still use aoe on you(they all use this randomly no matter were they are).

  • Raid leader can sit and look pretty, while the raid group beats down Yak.

This guide was original postet on mmOverload. The best Age of Conan Exploit site on the net.

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Age of Conan Exploit: Crash/Restart ANY instance in less than 1 minute

I'm not sure what uses you can get out of this, maybe refreshing bosses in dungeons (not sure if it works that way). This has been tested and is reliable, works every single time. I'm almost afraid to let it out because of what people might do with it.

Use any kind of macro program to spam the /stuck command very quickly. With my current settings i spam it every .3 seconds and it takes 30-40 seconds to crash ANY instance.

I've crashed several different instances many times, crashed kesh like 9 times in under a half hour just to test. Obviously this is very detectable, not sure if its bannable but if its abused to the point where everyone will notice something is up, im sure you can get punished for doing it.

Edit: By crash I mean everyone in the instance will be kicked and will have to relog

This bit is from a mmOverload. The best Age of Conan Exploit site on the net.

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Skip the elite boss in the quest "The Darkest Nightmare"

What the title says...

In wild lands of zelata, you get a quest from the outcast camp to kill an elite boss, summoned from a grave near the camp.
So, you've been cutting yourself over not finding a group to do it? Well here's the thing.
You need to only summon the boss using the grave! After that, you can run away from the boss or just die to him, and go claim your blue reward, cash and experience from the questgiver.

Doing this helped me, I hope it helped you t

This bit is from a mmOverload. The best Age of Conan Guide site on the net.

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Monday, September 1, 2008

Age of Conan Exploit: Make it harder to be hit when in CC

When you have been stunned or rooted you can move away from being easily hit by using /stuck.

Sometimes it will only move you back a few steps and sometimes it moves you back a lot but it helps from getting hit.

This bit is from a mmOverload. The best Age of Conan Guide site on the net.

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