Friday, January 30, 2009

Age of Conan Cheat: Get A GM To Contact You Before Others Waiting

First of all, I would like to say that you probably shouldn't do this more than once, because it's more than likely punishable.

I was looking through some of the .XML files in the AoC program files, and came across one called "actions.xml". So, I opened it up and was reading it. To my surprise, I found several of the GM commands that could be used in game.

I went back in-game. I figured it would be relatively funny if I could use one of them, although I didn't expect I could. The command wasn't anything common, thought FunCom might have been stupid and thought the commands weren't available and were secret.

So, if you type /bccaction in game, you get a message that reads "You are not authorized to use this command, and a report has been sent logging your request to use this command".

Well, my 60 destiny quest has been bugged (I'm level 80 now.), so I thought MAYBE, if I spammed the command, I might get messaged.

After spamming /bccaction for about 5 minutes, I had a GM message me. He said he had been notified that I was spamming the starter GM command. (Normal commands were like "/bccaction_death"). He asked how I knew it. I said it was in the .XML. He laughed, told me not to spam the logs anymore, and asked if he could help me with anything. I told him about my destiny quest and he fixed it for me.

Give it a shot, it's better than spending seven hours in petition queues.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

AoC Exploit: How To Send Resources Via Mail

    Step 1: Transfer item from resource bag to personal bank.
    Step 2. Right click on the item that is now in your bank.
    Step 3. Select "attach to current mail"(or something like that.)
    Step 4. Click mail tab and type in the the recipient's name.
    Step 5. Press Send.

You can only attach 4 items per mail you send.
After you send each mail close out the trader window and open it again.
If you do not close the window and reopen it you will not be able to attach items until you do close and reopen it.

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Age of Conan Cheat: Ranger DPS Boost Exploit!

There is a simple way to boost the Ranger's DPS. You can reach 550+ DPS with Fokused Fire....

First do feat reset , then learn Sniper Stance activate it and do feat reset.
Do this with all 4 Stances . The Point is you must learn all 4 Stances after activated the 4 Stances otherwise you will lose the Stances after Zoning/Teleporting. In fact you must have a hybrid build like this---> Feat planner AoC DPS

NOTE: If a Guard or a NPC Mob kill you, the Stances will reset. So be sure no Guard or NPC Mob kills you. This Exploit works since long time and i also did report it to Funcom, so it will be gonna fixed soon! This Exploit is rare , not many Ranger's used it , i wonder why this Exploit isn't released in any AoC Forum's.

Have Fun!

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Age of Conan Cheats - Increase Miss Attacks When In Close Combat

Wait until you have been attacked by the player and that player has used something along the lines of root or stunned on you.

- When you are rooted, stunned, or something else keeping you in a fixed location type /stuck.

- If done right it should move you away a few steps from the player attacking you.

- If not done right try again until it actually starts working for you. Sometimes you need to do it at least 3 times before the teleporting actually starts to kick in.

- This can be very helpful if you do it over and over again as it makes it very hard for a player to actually be able to hit you when you are teleporting all around the map.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Age of Conan Start-up Cash Strategy

Brief description:

Basically, what you're doing with this strategy is taking advantage of the fact that there are always people out there who for whatever reason are selling items at the trader that they should be selling to a vender, and asking less for those items than what a vendor would have paid for them. By buying up these items and selling them to a vendor yourself, you make the money they would have made if they had just sold the item at the vendor in the first place.

Step One: SELL
sell all your items to a vendor, including every item of clothing you are wearing. This should generally leave you with at least a copper or two.

Step Two: Search.
Go to the Trader, click "buy," and then start searching for an item that fits the following criteria:

    a) You can afford to buy it

    b) It can be sold to the trader (almost anything except Tradeskill Resources and White Gems will do)

    c) The Cost to buy the item is LESS than the amount you can get by selling it to a vendor.
    (the Vendor Price is displayed towards the bottom when you hover the mouse curser over the item's icon.

** The fastest way to search for these items is to select a category ("cloth armor," for example) and then just click "search." this will give you a list of the cheapest cloth armor on the market. Click on the price tab towards the top to have the items displayed by prive from least to most.
Starting with the cheapest item, compare the price it's being sold for to the vendor price.

Step Three: BUY

Once you find an item that is being sold for less than the vender price, buy it. Buy as many items that fit the above criteria as you can afford.


The larger the difference between the cost of an item and its vendor price, the more you will ultimately make, so don't just buy the first item you find that fits the above criteria. If you buy and sell an item that costs 1C and has a vendor price of 1C 50T, You'll make 50T; If the item costs 10T and sells for 11T, you'll be making only 1T.

Step Five: Spend more to Make more

Unless you're just looking for a few tin to buy an item, don't be afraid to spend all the money you have on these items. On paper your balance on paper may go down close to zero, but once you sell those items, you'll end up with more than what you started with. The more items you buy, the more you can sell and the more you can make.


Once you've bought all the items you can, switch to your mail ("Post") window and get the item you just bought so that you have it in your inventory

Step Seven: SELL

Leave the trader and find ANY vendor. click on the "sell" tab, highlight the item you just bought, and click "sell."

Step Eights: REPEAT

You should now have more money than what you started with, which means that you can go back to the trader and buy even more underpriced stuff to vend. Each time you sell all the things you've bought, you'll have more money than before, which means you'll be able to buy more and/or more expensive items, which generally will make you more money (an item that costs 1T and sells for 2T will only make you 1T, but an item that costs 1C and sells for 2C will make you 1C.

Step Nine: Switch

Eventually, as the prices of the items you're looking at get higher, you'll stop finding items that you can resell for a profit, because vendor prices are generally quite low even for things that would sell for quite a lot on the open trade market. When you can't find any more underpriced items of a particular typem just select a new item category (daggers, for instance), do a blank search and start combing through each item from lowest to highest price, buying when you see a good deal.


  • BE PATIENT. You use this strategy once or twice and then spend all your money to get a better weapon, but then you'll have to start all over again at the lowest level to make more money. Wait until you have MORE money than you think you need before getting back to the rest of the game.

  • While it's possible to make a silver or two with this method if you're very persistant, the amount of money you can make this way will seem like chump change later on in the game, as quests start paying more, loot becomes more valuable and more effecting (and expensive!) strategies for making money become possible.

  • That being said, you have very little cash when you start out, and because you can start using this method almost immediately, it's a great way to make some quick cash to buy a larger bag, food, potions... all the things you'd like to have right away buy would otherwise have to wait a while for because the early quests pay so little.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Age of Conan Dungeons list

Here is all Age of Conan dungeons. I\'d like them to appear in order of level for group dungeons and in order of intended raid progression for raids. If you are interested in that, read the following information...hope it is useful to you.

Solo Dungeons

Name: Tortage Underhalls
Levels: 10-20
Zone: City of Tortage

Name: Acheronian Ruins
Levels: 10-20
Zone: City of Tortage

Name: Bubshur House
Levels: 23-25
Zone: Khopshef\'s Province

Name: Abandoned Smuggler Tunnels
Levels: 23-29
Zone: Wild Lands of Zelata

Name: The Maze
Levels: 27-29
Zone: Wild Lands of Zelata

Name: Spider Caverns
Levels: 28-30
Zone: Conall\'s Valley

Name: Black Castle
Levels: 31-32
Zone: Khopshef\'s Province

Name: Border Range
Levels: 32-34
Zone: Wild Lands of Zelata

Name: Outflow Tunnels
Levels: 35-37
Zone: Old Tarantia

Name: Pyramid of the Ancients
Levels: 36-37
Zone: Khopshef\'s Province

Name: Treasury of the Ancients
Levels: 38-40
Zone: Khopshef\'s Province

Name: Noble Villas
Levels: 40-50
Zone: Tarantia Noble District
Note: There are several different dungeons in this group. They spawn mobs according to the player\'s level.

Name: Ice Cave
Levels: 50-52
Zone: Eiglophian Mountains

Name: Cannibal Cave
Levels: 55-56
Zone: Eiglophian Mountains

6-Player Dungeons

Name: Sanctum of the Burning Souls
Levels: 37-39
Zone: Wild Lands of Zelata

Name: The Cistern
Levels: 50-53
Zone: Tarantia Noble District
Note: This is a public instance and not spawned separately per individual party.

Name: Main System
Levels: 52-60
Zone: Tarantia Noble District
Note: This is a public instance and not spawned separately per individual party.

Name: Catacombs
Levels: 55-60
Zone: Tarantia Noble District

Name: Toirdealbach\'s Tomb
Levels: 58-60
Zone: Fields of the Dead

Name: Os Harku
Levels: 65-70
Zone: Thunder River
Note: This is a public instance and not spawned separately per individual party.

Name: Halls of Eternal Frost (Ice Ruins)
Levels: 70-73
Zone: Atzel\'s Approach

Name: Scorpion Cave
Levels: 75-76
Zone: Kheshatta

Name: Caravan Raider Camp
Levels: 78-80
Zone: Kheshatta

Name: Atzel\'s Fortress
Levels: 80
Zone: Atzel\'s Approach

Name: Onyx Chambers
Levels: 80
Zone: Kheshatta
Note: This is a public instance and not spawned separately per individual party.

24-Player Raids

Name: Vistrix\'s Lair
Levels: 78-80
Zone: Atzel\'s Approach

Name: Yakhmar\'s Cave
Levels: 80
Zone: Eiglophian Mountains

Name: Kylikki\'s Crypt
Levels: 80
Zone: Fields of the Dead

Name: Black Ring Citadel
Levels: 80
Zone: Kheshatta

Name: Thoth-Amon\'s Stronghold
Levels: 80
Zone: Kheshatta

Special 6-Player Dungeons

These are group dungeons whose level is variable. It is based on the level of the first person in the group to zone in.

Name: Imirian Ravine
Levels: Variable
Zone: Poitain

Name: Oasis of Zaara
Levels: Variable
Zone: Purple Lotus Swamp

Name: Frost Swamp
Levels: Variable
Zone: Lacheish Plains

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