Thursday, December 10, 2009

Age of Conan PvP Guide

- First and foremost: Make friends. Group often and if you're good, and not rude, people will be more likely to want to group with you again. If you already have friends you play with, group with them as much as possible when not doing the solo story lines.

- Stay alert. If you do decide to travel alone in Free-forall PvP zones, be aware of your surroundings. If you see players, check their levels and numbers. If you're not
already engaged with a mob then hiding can be your friend, no matter what class you are.

- Pick your fights. Size up each class, know their strengths and weaknesses, and learn what works best for each encounter.

- Use your potions. Potions in Age of Conan don't work like in most other games, they're not instant. So, if you think it's going to be a tough fight, pop your potion early. If you take it right before you start taking damage, it will be ticking throughout the fight, and could mean the difference between living and getting your head cut off.

- Chose your skills wisely. Not all PVE skills will help keep you alive! Chose the skills that will add to your survivability. The most important being CC or (Crowd Control) abilities i.e. stuns and fears. Also don’t forget about skills that can help you defend against crowd control.

- Live to fight another day! If you get caught off guard or out numbered, there is no shame in making an early escape to come back better prepared. Endurance is a good skill to train for this as it allows you to sprint for a longer period of time while holding the shift key. Watch out for your endurance though, as letting it drop to nothing will make you exhausted.

- Watch out for ambushes. Certain areas are more well traveled than others, and as the game progresses we will more than likely see high level "gankers". No area will be completely safe, but some areas of PvP zones will surely be safer than others. Watch out for “gankers” at spawn pointss. If all else fails and you're frustrated with being killed over and over, there are other options for leveling. Solo play and non-PvP zones come to mind.

- Have fun. You will be killed, don't take it out on other players. Trash talking has its own place in PvP servers and it will happen, it's expected to happen. Just watch out for who you trash talk, as they may have more friends than you! Being a KOS target can be fun, but it generally is not. Remember, this is a just a game and is not worth getting stressed over.

- Spawn Camping. Yes it is lame, yes it sucks to die before you even load in. Yes it sucks that it can happen over and over. Unless and until something is done about it, spawn camping is going to happen. Either do your best to run away and hide or just log out for awhile.

- Switch instances. I don't mean go to another zone. In the upper left corner of your mini map is a down arrow. Click on that and select instance. If you're getting ganked repeatedly, or you can't find a way to do a quest without running into other players, and are thus forced to PvP, try another instance, there may not be people doing that quest in a different instance.
Read rest of entry

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Helpful Hints

To add friends
/cc addbuddy NAME

/ Commands
To view a list of / commands. Type / TABTAB. This will bring up a list just like the emotes. Below is a list of / commands with descriptions. Those with a ? next to them means I do not know what they do.

/afk - Toggles afk on and off. Give you an opportunity to put a message in.
/anon - Makes you not show up in searches
/bank - ?
/born - character creation date
/bugreport - report a bug
/bugreportbtn - ?
/camp - logout
/cc - ?
/cc addbuddy - adds someone to your friends list
/ch - chatgroups
/chsay - talk in a chatgroup
/claim - get your reward
/emote - /emote + TAB to bring up a list of emotes
/fhelp - Brings up some /commands
/follow - Follow your target
/g - talk in group
/gm - ?
/group - same as /g
/gu - guild chat
/guild - ?
/guildsay - same as /gu
/help - field manual
/heroicmode - Takes you to a group instance of your current zone
/hide - makes you use the hide skill
/hotkey - ?
/ignore - Ignore a player
/invite - Invite a player to a group
/items - ?
/kick - a player from a group
/leave - leave a group
/list - brings up /list players
/logcombat - ?
/loot - loot target
/macro - /macro
/me - ?
/name - ? possibly to name pets
/ooc - talk in ooc channel
/org - ?
/petition - put in a gm ticket
/played - shows how much you have played
/quit - logout
/r - /reply
/ra - raid chat
/raid - same as /ra
/reloadhotkeys - ?
/reply - same as /r
/s - shout
/say - same as /s
/script - ?
/selectself - target yourself
/option - ?
/sit - sit down
/stand - stand up
/stuck - gets you unstuck
/t - pvp minigame chat
/team - same as /t
/tell - send a tell
/text - ?
/version - list version of server and client {{may or may not be correct }}
/w - /whisper someone
/whisper - same as /w

I hope these help and enjoy!

Help I'm stuck!
1. Try /stuck this has worked for me every time.
2. If it does not work. Try using your Path skill.
3. If you are still stuck then type in /petition and a GM
will be with you asap. Please be patient they may be busy.

/who command
The first button on the upper left (People and PvP I believe) has all the search options. There's one for Player, Group, Guild, and PvP.

For a list of emotes type /emote TAB This will bring up a full list of emotes.

To claim your CE awards use

Walk and run
Autorun is the NUM LOCK button. Toggle between walk and run with Backspace.

Active Blocking and other combat tips
1. I didn't know this existed until today. The hot key is X give it a shot.
2. Double tapping a direction will give a short duration
'buff'. Backwards add evade, forward adds chance to stun- helpful in multiple situations.

If you complete a quest and your bags are full. Your quest reward is not lost.
1. Look next to the mini map you should see a !.
2. Make room in your bags.
3. Click the !
4. Claim your reward. aka Profit!!!

If you mess up on your feats or your skills do not fear. Both can be redone.
However both do cost a small amount of coin. Skills are first up.
1. Hit P to bring up skill list.
2. Hold down ALT and left click on the skill you wish to
get rid of.
3. Confirm the skill respec
4. Add the points back to wherever you would like.

Next up Feat Respec
In each major city their are NPC's that will wipe your advancement tree for you. All that you do is talk to them confirm the wipe and pay the small fee. The first time it costs about 50 copper

Tortage - Feat Fixer - On the Docks - 1084, 718 { Has
been removed for now }
Khemi - Zahra - [Trainer] - On the Docks - 833, 1144
Old Tarantia - Minerva - [Trainer] Base of the Temple of
Mitra - 796, 541
Cimmerian - Cowal [Trainer] at (250, 490)

1. Hit the P key.
2. Add points into climb. At level 20 I had 100 points allocated. I have found nothing as of yet I can't climb. Feel free to correct me or give feedback on this.{{ I was informed there is a quest that requires 180 in Old Tarantia}}
3. Move to the climbable object. Hit the U key. Up you go!

Guild Information
You can start a guild at level 20. To do so follow the below steps.
1. In the upper left hand corner of your screen you will see three tabs. Click the third one.
2. Fill out the information. Choose a guild name and a type of government. From what I can tell the type of government doesn't change anything. Just the names of the ranks.

To invite someone go to the social tab {{ the first tab on the left hand side }} and select add name. Type in the name and check add to guild. Click ok. That's all their is to it. Happy recruiting.

Zone instances
If you are grouped but can not see your party members. As leader of the group right click on the party member's name and select bring to instance. I am not sure of the
wording but it's easy enough to figure out. Also near the mini map you will see a drop down. One of the choices are change instance. You can tell who in your group is in what instance easily through this. A star next to an instance is where the group leader is at. A human symbol represents where group members are at.

At level 20 you can take gathering skills. At level 40 you can take your actual craft skills.

Dual wield
If you have it. Put two one-handed weapons on the lower LEFT of your paper doll inventory page. The icons for those are a sword and a shield. The Right side sword and shield are for alternate weapons.
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ranger class guide

Rangers are the finest marksmen in Hyboria, capable of stalking an enemy and delivering devastating shots with pinpoint accuracy.

From the skilled woodsmen of the Bossonian Marches to the shortbow wielding horsemen of the Stygian desert, their skills with a bow set them apart from other warriors.

With an arsenal of specialist shots that can pin an enemy down, start bleeding wounds or pierce an enemy’s heart, they are difficult opponents. Knights fall to their fletched shafts and all the magic in hell cannot save a sorcerer with an arrow in their throat. They can fight in melee with swords and maces and wear medium armor, but their strengths lay with the bow.

Archetype: Rogue
Permitted Races: Cimmerian, Stygian, Aquilonian
Weapons: One-handed blunts, one-handed edged, daggers, bows, crossbows, and dual-wield
Armor: Cloth armor, light armor, medium armor, and shields

So what the ranger actually is.
Of the three highest DPS classes; Ranger, Barbarian, and Assassin (funny how they are all in the same archetype), the ranger has the highest hit points, the best damage absorption (medium armor/shields), and the greatest survivability. And ranks as the single highest ranged DPS
class by far, and is on equal footing with the Barbarian in raw damage output.

The Ranger might stand as the most powerful pvp class in AoC. It’s my opinion, but the way the class is designed with all its survivability, and its sick damage, they are almost impossible to kill if played correctly.

Available to them, they have two snares, one melee, one ranged—both 65%. And an instant, small radius AoE, 10 second root on a one minute cool down. The root is instant and can be cast on the run, has no stamina usage, and is “chance to break on damage” rather then null when damaged.

If this weren’t enough, in the sharpshooter line, they can spec for a talent that causes the target to burst into flames, running around in fear (can later be made to aoe…), giving it yet another oh **** button. It should also be noted, their stealth attack with a bow is a short duration mezz (about 10 sec), but its buggy as hell with Firestance.

II. Beginning-And all that it implies
For the first 9 levels and that beginning quest, you have about the same dmg output as any other “rogue” in melee at that point. Your bow damage is atrocious. No joke, in the time it takes to line up a shot literally dished out 4x the damage in melee. Your regular bow shots deal
only about ¾ of that of a normal swing, and you lack any true damaging ranged shot. Still, grab the bow from the quests, and use it to pull.

*Note*-If you are new to the game, you need to invest attribute points; this is done in the character & attributes tab. I highly recommend maxing out stealth and putting the rest into climbing and the one that increases your running speed out of combat.

And then it happens…you ding 10. Level 10 marks the unofficial beginning of the ranger career. Two very important things happen at level 10. First you can get a new bow (~20.1 dps bow) from the weapon smith, and you get the godly skill—Salvo.

The Ranger does not come into its own until 17+ and shines at 20+

III. Aiming-The frustratingly useless FPS aspect of AoC
As far as I know, the only way to enter first person is to mouse wheel in. Once done, a reticule will appear on your screen, where the best way to aim is to hold down the right mouse button.

Now that that’s out of the way, why is this skill so damned frustrating? Well, it has two checks; the first is the crosshairs check. Its applied to actually hitting the enemy. ALWAYS AIM FOR THE HEART/CHEST.

The second is the Uper-left, Top, and Uper-right shielding check.

With all of these “checks” you might ask what the hell is gained?

Three things; increased range, increased accuracy (as accurate as long as the target is under the crosshairs), and a 10-15% increase in damage modifier. Its gain is marginal, and you’re more likely to miss then to hit. it could be useful in keep defense situations however, other than that, do not enter into it, it will make you quit the class.

IV. Skill Breakdown
Salvo- What it is, and what it is not.

Salvo is the first 2part chain combo. It “shoots” three times before it begins the salvo induction. The “three times” comes from activating the shot, and then completing the chain, it then fires three .75(ish)drawn shots that seems to deal around 200%-300% extra damage. This shot is extremely potent and is enough to outright kill any mob without upper shielding once the ranger gets a stance.

*Salvo has gone numerous changes; currently it appears to be somewhat bugged, from my testing, the damage gained from stances aren’t applying to Salvo*

Heartseeker- This is gained at 40 and is the next big hitter in ranger chain. Although I cycle through all skills, it’s a quick recharge, and hits hard. Not as hard as salvo, but its only a 1-part chain, and has a quick induction time. It complements the other 1-part chains very well in PvE when salvo is on cool down. It also seems to crit much more frequently, but this is unconfirmed.

These are you’re two big hitters, the rest of the skills are self explanatory.

V. Feats-The 4-part split personality of the ranger
1. Introduction to the Sharpshooter Tree
As the awkward title hints, and previously mentioned, the ranger is really two classes rolled into one; the Ranger— Bow, and the Waylayer—Crossbow. And each of these has two “specs”. You can ignore the other line for now, as it does not benefit the ranger in any noticeable way in
raw damage, and complements stealthers end game. Im going bow, so I have no advice to give on crossbows.

The Sharpshooter=bow. And it’s the one to stick with, bow just seems to outshine crossbow in many important ways, the most prominent being salvo, which can only be performed with a bow.

2. Stances
There are two lines in each one. Both give “stances”. The Fire side gives Fire Stance, which adds 30.0 DPS to your bow, +20.0 fire dmg (rises as you level slightly) and a fire proc which seems to be about ~20%.

Sniper Stance gives 30.0 DPS +5 damage (rises by .5 per level it seems) and seems to give an overall additional 9.0 DPS to the bow. It also increase accuracy by 2%. That accuracy does not improve.

Both are great, and are about even in PvE. In PvP

Firestance will pump out slightly more dps, because it gives a nice elemental damage, and is unaffected by armor rating.

You can mix and match each side, grabbing many feats from each side that will significantly increase the ranger’s potency. One of them has a chance to root an enemy in place on any shot!

Eventually you’re going to want to stick with once stance, even though there is only a 5sec cool down between the stances. And stick with one “ultimate” skill. Volley, or Flame Barrage. Both make your attacks aoe for a short time.

3. Feats, and my recommendations.
These are what I view as the must haves; I will break them down by Tier.

Tier 1- Focused Fire
FF adds BIG damage. About 20.5 DPS to my bow for 15sec at 40 and grows every level, and is on a 1min cooldown. It’s amazing and your forced to take it.

Tier 2- Bow Specialization, Eagle Eye.
Bow Spec adds about 6.5 DPS. Take it Eagle Eye adds 5m to your attacks, take it, but only after
Bow Spec.

Tier 3- Rapid Stab, Splintering Puncture, Tendon Rupture, Ricochet
Rapid Stab blows, don’t get it. Splintering Puncture blows, don’t get it. Tendon Rupture is great. Allows the Ranger better kiting, by giving +5 sec to Pin Down. Ricochet is awesome, Adds a small chance to snare the target for 4s by 65%.

Tier 4- Quick Shots, Silent Shots
Quick Shots a good compliment, and best invested at 33 after the root ability in the tier 5 is maxed. Gives shorter CD’s to your combos. Silent Shots is more pve, and is required for sniper
stance. I don’t like sniper stance, and I don’t like this ability. Imo skip it.

Tier 5- Firestance, Sniper Stance, Knee-capping
Won’t go into the stances again. Knee-capping adds a small chance on ALL hits (salvo is
counted technically as one hit…sort of) to root the target for 4-5sec. its imbalanced in pve and pvp, and you’re an idiot to pass it up.

Tier 6- Sulfurous Burst/Blast, Cold Nerves, Deadeye.
Sulfurous Burst/Blast is an aoe stealth detection “flare”, blast makes it a small dmg in the aoe to knock people out of stealth. It’s great, but useless for leveling, so at the moment it’s a waste
Cold Nerves add significant stam reduction to all combos. Get it, love it, breath it. Deadeye adds a straight 9% damage increase to all combos. It’s a sexy 3 point talent. Get it

At this point it comes down to preference. For PvP grab:
Fire Trap It sucks, but it’s a pre-req. grab and max to move down.
Immolation and its follow up. The fear is a nice oh **** escape tool that will be invaluable later on.
Critical Aim has an irritating bug associated with it, and at the moment, does not cause the combos to crit.
Apparently this is by design…so skip it, white crit damage is not worth 3 talent points.
Flame Barrage over volley. Flame Barrage is a much harder hitting salvo that fires without directionals, and causes aoe burn damage. Great skill, defiantly pick it up.

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Leveling and Character Development

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures features 80 levels of character advancement, and every level is reached by gaining experience points through completing quests and killing enemies.

Questing is the primary way of gaining experience, allowing you to see the world and experience the stories of Hyboria while advancing your characters. Killing enemies also provides experience points, and this is based on how difficult the enemy is. Every time you gain a level, you will have to make a range of decisions that impact your character’s future:

  • Attributes: Your attributes will gain automatically when you gain new levels.
  • Skills: You will gain a certain number of skill points that you can invest in your various skills.
  • Feats: You will gain a certain number of feat points that you can use to buy new feats or strengthen the feats you’ve taken before.
  • Combos: Depending on your character’s class, new combos may become available when leveling up.

The apprenticing system:
  1. Find a high level guy to apprentices you, which will bring you to within 1 level of that person.
  2. You fight creatures which are the same level as the person who is apprenticing you, gaining you massive amounts of experience.
  3. You will skip most of the questing and story line while gaining skills and abilities much faster than you can learn to use them.

While this is a great way for casual players to catch up to their hardcore friends, the questing in this game makes leveling very fast while at the same time not feeling like work. However there are some trouble spots where you may be required to do some grinding. Those spots could be better dealt with by making use of the apprenticing system.


I made my way through levels 1-29 the first day I played. There are tons of quests that you can stack to help you level. I was level 19 when I left Tortage, and hit level 20 after entering Conall's Valley. I then quested in Conall's until I was level 29; it was very easy and super fast. By the way, I did not play in closed beta.

In the second day leveling, I managed to get through these 10 levels. Black Castle is a good place for these levels. However around level 35, I went to pyramid of the Ancients,. This was a great spot for leveling 35-39 which took almost the same amount of time as levels 29-35.

During the third and part of the fourth day I leveled from 39-50. At level 39, I traveled to Old Tarantia Noble District, and was very surprised at how quickly I leveled. I stayed at Noble District until around level 45, then I went to Field of the Dead.

On a side note, I did some arena during these levels. Arena is in the tavern in Old Tarantia Noble District, and there are solo/group quests there for you to do. There is a level requirement on all of these quests, and I think you can do the final group quest at around level 57. These are well-worth the experience end rewards they give. I quested all the way to 48.5 in Field of the Dead, then went into Eiglophian Mountains for a short time.

Fifth day leveling. At level 50 the game slows down with regard to leveling. I managed to quest in EM until around level 55, then I had to grind to 56. It
seems like some quests opened between 54-56, so I did those and got close to 57, then I had to grind out some more experience to hit level 57. It was at that
time I got the typical quest to head to another area - in this case, the place was Thunder River.

On the sixth day, I found out that Thunder River was way too difficult for soloing at this level. Luckily, I heard that Atzel's Approach was much better for leveling.

Atzel's Approach is awesome! When Upon arrival,I found the content to be very difficult. However, Once I got past that part of the zone, my experience flew.
I did all of the quests and ended up somewhere around level 63.

The seventh day of levelingled me out of Atzel's Approach and back to Thunder River. I was able to finish the quests here much more quickly than before, so I hung out here for a while. There was a little grinding involved but nothing too terrible. After finishing all of the quests that I could, I went back to Atzel's Approach. I finished up the quests I had and headed to Ivoryvale at level 67. Ivoryvale is an icy canyon full of non-aggro mammoths, generally in pairs of two. Once I was out of quests here I grinded on the mammoths until I hit level 68.

I started my eighth day out by grinding those mammoths until I reached 70. Level 70 was great since it led me to Kheshatta. Kheshatta is a sweet place, especially when you're the only one in the zone. I quickly cranked out two full levels from quests alone.

I started the ninth day out with more grinding in Kheshatta until I hit level 73 and some more quests opened up at. I knocked out those quests very quickly,then grinded my way to 74 where some more quests opened up. Although they seemed to be group quests. So then I headed over to the Death Master Camps, where I managed to hit 76 that day.

Death Master Camp AE group. In my experience this is the best place to tackle these levels. Basically, you pull the entire lower camp and level it. These levels would take forever solo. You need nearly 3 million experience to level from 79 to 80.
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Subscribe to Age of Conan and receive The Secret World beta access

Funcom recently announced their plans to get older players back into Age of Conan and boost multi-month subscription rates. Players with inactive subscriptions are invited to retry the game for two weeks and receive a double experience bonus. Those who sign up for multi-month subscriptions will receive these additional bonuses:

  • 3-month sub: Beta access to The Secret World
  • 6-month sub: Beta access + in-game helmet that boosts experience gain by 10%
  • 12-month sub: Beta access + helmet + a free copy of Conan expansion Rise of the Godslayer
Age of Conan has received many updates in the year and a half since its release. However, MMO players can be an unforgiving bunch, so these incentives to give the game another shot are quite necessary. And it's extra-smart given all the excitement around The Secret World. Considering how many players would be willing to pay for beta access, a subscription to a vastly improved AoC is just icing on the cake.

For those interested in catching up on AoC, check out the most recent game director's letter, new content, and revised subscription options. Have a burning question for Funcom about this or anything else?
Read rest of entry

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Barbarian Class Guides

The barbarian is one of the most dangerous and feared sights on the battlefield. Their combat style focuses on strength, aggression, and relentless assault.

Whether wielding two-handed weapons that sweep through enemy lines or fighting with a weapon in each hand, when the opportunity to deliver that devastating killing blow Comes, they are ready.

Wounding barbarians enrages them, making them stronger and more deadly in battle and their varied array of powerful attacks can knock an enemy senseless, immobilize them, or make the very ground shake around them. Like other rogues, they excel at sneaking and the arts of ambushing.

Archetype: Rogue
Permitted Races: Cimmerian, Aquilonian
Weapons: One-handed edged, one-handed blunts, twohanded
edged, two-handed blunts, bows, thrown weapons, and
dual wielding.
Armor: Cloth armor and light armor

Feat Guide:

Great Weapons master build:

Butcher build:

Cheat the Reaper build:

Leveling/Straight DPS build:

I didn't take any of the aggro reducing talents, add them if you want a more group oriented build.

Now I am going to explain my reasoning for picking the feats that I did, and explain why I skipped some things.

Berserker Tree.
Blood rage: Grants the barbarian the Blood Rage Stance which increased damage inflicted and enemy attacks have a chance of increasing the barbarian's rate of Health regeneration and evasion chance. The ealth effect can be applied three times.

Required to advance.
Atrocity: Increases the damage done by barbarians Butcher combos.

Great Weapons Master: Increased the damage done by two-handed edged and two-handed blunt weapons.

Atrocity vs Great Weapons Master: For leveling, get Great Weapons Master until you get Butcher IV. Butcher IV is when the butcher line really starts to shine, and becomes a strong, cheap combo. Great eapons Master is supposed to scale with levels, but unless Butcher isn't that great at level 80 I am going to lean towards picking Atrocity.

Shock and Awe: Reduces the reuse time for Stunning Punch and Clobber combos.

Bread and butter PvP talent. Stuns and knockbacks are our only form of CC and this lowers the recast time on them. At max level it lowers Stunning punch by 13 seconds and clobber by 11 with 3 feat points invested. Staggering punch: Improves the Stunning Punch combos by adding an effect that also reduces the victims movement speed.

I've included this talent in both builds but that is subject to change based on the how well the talent actually works. Ive tried testing this feat out a few times and right now it currently doesn't seem to be snaring the target after the stun wears off. Theres a possibilty I didnt test it thoroughly enough, but as far as I can tell right now this feat isn't working properly. I imagine it will be fixed soon, which is why I left it in the builds. IF FIXED, this will be an amazing talent depending on the snare duration.

Reverse swing: Augments the Staggering Blow combo by increasing the damage the barbarian inflicts.

After spending some time using this feats after getting Staggering blow II my mind has been completely changed. This is another one of those feats that start to shine the higher you go up in level. After getting Staggering Blow II at level 34 the damage of Staggering Blow goes up a LOT.

Something every barbarian will learn is that when fighting elite mobs you will run out of stamina VERY quickly. At level 38 with 1500 stamina all my stuns/knockbacks are above 200 stamina with stunning punch costing a whopping 271 at the moment. The nice thing about Butcher and Staggering blow is they are both relatively cheap on stamina and they both do great damage after their level 30 upgrades. I highly recommend picking up this talent after receiving Staggering blow II as its damage is amazing. I've had a couple 1200 HITS with staggering blow on nonshielded sides, which is really high. Another thing to note about this feat is that its pretty much a 1 point or 5 point feat. I'm not sure it's bugged but at one point its 5% three points it was 6% four was 7% and 5 was 10%. If you use Staggering blow every time it's up you can basically keep the 10% damage buff up almost 50% of the time. It lasts 6 seconds and the cooldown on Staggering blow is 15 Seconds. I'm not sure if the cooldown will increase with higher ranks, so keep that in mind. I may make room for this in my level 80 pvp build depending on if Staggering blow is still a strong combo at 80.

Paralysis: Adds a brief root effect, preventing the target from moving, to the barbarian's Clobber combo.

Awesome one point talent. Adds a root to Clobber, which can be used as a CC. potentially even more awesome with Finishing blow thrown in the mix. Clobbering a group of enemies and than finishing blowing one enemy while the others are knocked down and rooted after the knockdown.

Eyes of madness: Grants the barbarian an ability that makes all foes in the vicinity less likely to focus their attacks on them.

PvE talent, skipped. Pick this feat up if you are running a pve build or just want the extra reduced threat.

Insanity: Permanently increased the barbarian's resistance to fear effects.

Passive fear resist; prereq for unstable mind.

Grisly wounds: The barbarian augments the Butcher combos with their own inborn brutality, adding more damage over time.

I no longer think this ability is worth it, even for the butcher build. The DoT damage is still fairly weak evenwith the upgrade, it's the good base damage that makes butcher strong. If you want to run a Butcher build I would recommend grabbing Reverse swing instead of picking up this talent. I've removed this from the butcher build.

No escape:
Grants an ability that enables the barbarian to throw their weapon, impaling their enemy, cause massive damage that lingers for a short time and also stuns the victim. This ability disarms the barbarian for a short time.

The damage from the frontload attack + dot damage is VERY strong, plus the fact that it stuns. If you are having trouble getting your weapon back, keep smashing your active block button until you get it back. This is probably considered our strongest ability at the moment. I was apprenticed to 75 earlier and my no escape actually one shotted a level 80 regular mob. It's awesome, pick it up. It seems they've fixed the bug with this ability as well, so no complaints here.

Combo - Earth Shatter: This mighty combo stuns all foes in close vicinity.

Another AoE stun. What more needs to be said? You want this feat. Although the stamina cost is pretty high, so use cautiously.

Finishing blow: Grants the barbarian a charge ability available after they knock back an enemy. Their charge caused severe damage but a high stamina cost and long reuse time.

Funcom recently fixed the bug that allowed us to do insane amounts of damage with that extra second attack, but in the process they broke this ability. It still takes no stamina, but it's only doing maybe 50 damage more then a white attack currently. Completely useless now, if you really want to put one point in it for being able to close in on a knockdowned target okay, but i think its better to start a combo and run up. This is going to be skipped until they fix it.

Arcane Marauder:
When hit by spell damage the barbarian gains natural health regeneration and drains mana from enemies around them.

After getting this ability I'm still not sure exactly how it works. It seems that it's currently bugged and procs from EVERYTHING. This includes running, sprinting, attacking, I mean ANYTHING. I haven't been able to test how much mana it regens but with 1 point in it it adds 9 natural health regen which isn't very noticeable. We will see where this feat goes, it may become useful at 80 in siege pvp but for leveling I would skip it, or add one point in it.

Unstable Mind: Grants the barbarian an ability which immunity for a short period of time.

Beastial Wrath anyone? The duration on this is around 9 seconds with 3 points, and has a two minute cooldown. From my experience with it only one point is necessary, atleast at the moment. You still get the snare break, and until end game PvP is around, thats about all you need. Even then it could be arguable that only one point is needed with a second snare break feat easily accessible by picking up Escape Artist in the general tree. Unless you need points to move further down the Berserker tree and don't want to put points into an earlier feat I would only put one point into this FOR NOW. This ability will start to really shine if there are snares that are easily reapplied continually with little to no cooldown, or in siege warfare.

Swarm Fighter: Grants the barbarian an ability that taunts all minions in the area for a short period of time. Every attack from a minion will trigger a heal effect when this ability is active.

Another pve talent, could be possibly useful against pet classes in PvP but doesn't seem worth the five feat points.

Hammer and Anvil: Enhances Stunning Punch combo by increasing the damage it inflicts.

You will be using stunning punch a lot, and this increased the damage and is also a prereq for Comatose.

Fearsome agility: When hit in combat there is a chance to gain a short evade buff. This can stack up to 5 times.

More survivability. There isnt really enough points for it with the butcher build but if you arent planning on using butcher it seems useful enough.

Rampage: When hit in combat you will occasionally damage every enemy around you for a small amount.

The usefulness of this talent depends on how much it procs and how much damage it deals which is information we don't really have access too at this point. Either way it's required for Thirst for Blood, so it's a must have.

Comatose: Enhances Stunning Punch combo by increasing the amount of time the victim is stunned for.

A longer stunning punch? Yes please.

Rampaging horde:
Grants an ability that increases the damage inflicted upon foes based on the number of friendly barbarians within range. Maximum number counted is 10.

Unless you and all 48 of your friends are barbarians, not worth it.

Combo - Scatter Foes: Grants the barbarian a combo that will knock back all foes in a wide cone in front of them.

Another AoE knockback. This is a very useful feat and anyone this far down the Berserker line will definitely want to get this.

Combo - Decapitation: Grants the barbarian a swift combo that inflicts massive damage and increased the chance of a fatality. This combo has a long reuse time.

Do I really need to explain why to get this feat? Huge damage and possible forced decapitation plus it's a prereq for Thirst for blood.

Welcoming death: Grants an ability that increases the damage inflicted by the barbarian's attacks based on the number of dead foes nearby, up to a maximum number of 10.

Doesn't seem very useful for PvP; if all your teammates are dead this feat isn't going to save you anyway. This feat doesn't really sound that great at all honestly, even for PvE. chances are if you are in a raid or instance you will be continually moving after each pull so this will never really take effect unless you are killing in a confined area.

Thirst For Blood: Grants an ability that drives the fellowship into a wild bloodlust. Attacking or being attacked can trigger a damage bonus effect and multiple applications of this effect eventually boosts health and stamina regeneration.

Extra damage, more health, and stamina regen. This is the end all feat of the Berserker tree.

General Tree:
Excellent balance: Grants the rogue an ability which makes them immune to being knocked back in combat. Additional feat points increase the duration of the immunity and shortens the refresh time.

Required. A nice feat to have anyway, especially if you are fighting another barb or a knockdown heavy class.

Natural protection vs Toughness:

Natural protection: Increases the rogue's elemental resistance ratings.

Toughness: Increases the rogue's physical resistance rating.

Physical or Magical resistance? I personally will be going for Toughness. So far with my experience as a barbarian, our toughest fights are going to be against other melee classes. I usually rip up the cloth classes, of course this subject to change at end game. For now i'll be sticking with Toughness.

Subtlety: The rogue's strikes are less likely to attract a foes attention in battle, making them less likely to break off from their current target to attack the rogue.

PvE talent, stake it if you want to PvE. Otherwise skip it.

Second Wind:
Grants a new special ability that gives a short duration but substantial stamina boost. Takes a moderate amount of time to refresh.

Just what barbarians need. I don't know about you guys but I burn through stamina like nobodies business, and a barbarian without any stamina is a worthless autoattacker.

Keen senses: Substabtially reduces the reuse time of the Search ability.

Not sure what it actually lowers the search timer too, although a very fast search would be useful in PvP situations, atleast more useful than an extra .5% physical damage reduction.

Quick recovery: The rogue instantly recovers stamina after being knocked back in smelee.

Stamina= good. Plus a LOT of classes have knockdowns, this way you can hopefully avoid knockdowns with Excellent Balance, but if you do get knocked down you will atleast get some stamina back from it.

Alright, I am going to break form here because I am going to be comparing a couple of the 2nd and 3rd tier General abilities together. The choice of what to pick
becomes a lot tougher choice at this point. Acrobat gives you more survivability. Endurance means a shorter cooldown on second wind, which means more stamina overall. Escape artist and Agile mind both sound extremely useful, but it's hard to tell how much of an effect fear and charm will have on people in PvP. At this point I am probably going to stick with Endurance and Acrobat. Depending on the cooldown of Unstable mind and how often I find myself snared I will be picking up Escape artist accordingly.

I hope this helps out some of you who are having a hard time deciding what feats to get.
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Assassin Class Guides

The much anticipated class guide section complete with PVP and PVE builds for each class This time we will look at the Assassin.

Assassins are the most lethal killers in Hyboria. Those aspiring to the top of this profession face the most deadly regime of training, discipline, and study, but the ones that survive are executioners supreme.

No other class can deliver blows as deadly as an assassin. Their arsenal of lethal combos is complemented by their ability to slip past enemies unseen. Assassins can dual wield daggers with lightning speed and can modify their attacks against specific targets, such as unholy attacks against heavily armored foes, or poison attacks versus mana users. Few can stand against an assassin in combat.

Archetype: Rogue
Permitted Races: Aquilonian, Stygian
Weapons: Daggers, crossbows, and dual-wielding
Armor: Cloth armor and silk armor

I can't find any solid posts or info on assassin abilities, and hybes is very incomplete. If anyone has anything, I'd be glad to post it.

Why would I play this class?

  1. High single target DPS (Sneak attack goodness)
  2. You enjoy stalking your target (the joys of a methodical kill)
  3. Murder is a hobby (???)
Why would I pass on this class?

  1. Identity crisis (again)
  2. You are very squishy (one of THE squishiest)
  3. Near mandatory beginning spec (Lotus is nice though)

General Assissin Info: The assassin is your typical rogue class. Now, opinions vary greatly. According to some, you are unable to kill players 10 levels below you. Other say Crom himself has an account and he plays an assassin. Assassins are stealthy and deadly. Its real problem is that all the rogue classes are stealthy and deadly. The Ranger can engage from range, the barbarian can engage multiple mobs.

Assassin in PvE: Have a tough time. Mob in this game pop up in groups, and this is not a class designed for groups. You just have to pick your battles. Most PvE centered (and most everyone from 1-40ish) go into Lotus for its survivability. After that you can switch into another build to suit your tastes. In groups your usefulness goes up a great deal as you no longer have to worry as much about survivability.

Assassin in PvP:
For the problems they have in PvE, I'll bet you were hoping me to say they melt face in PvP. They are dangerous, no doubt, but not really more
dangerous than the other rogue classes, and that is where the problem lies at the moment. Corruption after 40ish is the spec of choice for PvP damage.



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Friday, November 6, 2009

Vistrix Tank Tactic and Kylliki and Chatha Flaw

Basically this is same as Bane tactic except you dont need bane - instead you have a tank far away from dragon while everyone nukes it, when the dragon is stunned, the tank simply charges it using irritate and cry of havoc to get aggro and points dragons fire away from group.

This saves everyones lives and without the use of irritating banes.

Also after the recent patch kylliki's healers no longer spawn, so she is incredibly easy. Chathas minions "Utamons" dont reflect damage anymore.
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Leather **Secret spots**

**The Secret Spots for Leather Gathering**

Here are some good very good spots to gather leather know of.-

-Rough Leather/Brindled Leather- Far NW corner of the Wild Lands. Specifically the diseased bears. Most of them seem to have about a 25-50% chance to have a drop.

-Along the River in Khopsef Province. The Crocodiles are known to do good drops.

-Prey drop Rough Leather as well, in any resource zone.

-Grained/Calloused Leather Along the rode to Yak, specifically the snow cat. (Unconfirmed)

Best Spot Known So far.
You can farm Rough, calloused, brindled and grained all at the same time here.-

-In poitan, down the hill from the "temple" looking building and right outside the city walls of whatever guild owns that spot (center/east of mini-map). There are 2 sets of cows that drop the leather quite frequently and the respond rate is so insane that you never have to wait for respawns. If your a melee class use your bow. In 1 hour of farming I usually have the following 35 rough, 35 calloused, 7 brindled, 7 grained. (on average)
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Friday, October 9, 2009

How to solo Torgvall (Connal's valley)

People hate group in CV for some reason, so you have to get creative. Here's an easy way to solo Torgvall without having to wait for 3-5 level 30s to come help you.

1. Buy health potions. I've never needed more than 5, but buy 10 in case you need to do it twice.

2. Clear the mobs around Torg, run off to reset Torgvall.

3. Observe the tents near Torg. You can hop over them and because he is too big, he has to run around. Basically, you can move between one side of the tent and the other while he has to move around them. So, he can be forced to chase you since the path he takes is always 2-3 times as long as the path you take.

4. Fight him, when your health gets about 50% hop over the tents (to the side he isnt on) and take a health pot. Hop back and forth until healed.

5. Keep fighting until you take him down.

Warning: you might have to fight adds more than once, so keep a thought toward respawns. Also, you have to hit torgvall every 45 secs or he will reset. This is easy as you only need 25 to regen with the potions.

I've done it with the necro, hox, ranger, and guard so far all level 30-34. It's easy, just a bit slow.
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Monday, October 5, 2009

Infinite LV 50 mob spawns for exp

Up in the Eig Mountains, at the whitehand camp. Theres a boss called Diabolist Aino, she's 54.

She will spawn 4 "Minions," but they are not labeled minions and you receive full exp from them.

Anyways, don't attack the boss, let her live, your group will out heal her damage.

Every time you kill the 4mobs she spawns, they respawn and you get endless waves of exp.

I did this for over 40mins, got a whole level at 55 in less than an hour. With a lvl 55 conq, 44(apprecntice to 54)HoX, 55 Bear Shaman.

Coords are @ 945,764.
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Funcom to Cut 20% of Workforce

Funcom is reducing its work force by about 20%. The planned launch for Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures in Korea will continue as planned, but the development of The Secret World has been extended by several months as the company adjusts its schedule. The Norwegian-based developer will be cutting jobs mostly in its Norwegian subsidiary. Our best wishes go out to those affected by the change and potential loss of their jobs.

Cost reductions and forced leave in Funcom

Funcom N.V has initiated a program of cost reductions, reductions in head count and use of forced leave (permittering) to better align the Company's operations to the current marketplace.

Around 20 % of the staff of the Company will be affected by headcount reductions or forced leave, mostly in the Company's Norwegian subsidiary.

The Company's development of the Age of Conan expansion pack and its preparations for launch in Korea will continue as planned, as will the preparations for the limited beta of its first free- to-play MMO scheduled to take place during Q4. The development of The Secret World will be some months extended due to the initiatives with even more focus on ensuring the delivery of a game that is fully in line with the high expectations amongst fans and gamers across the world.

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Monday, September 28, 2009

A Latecomer's First Impressions of Age of Conan

Two reasons for the timing of this review. The game is officially a year old - yay go Age of Conan! Secondly, I've had the game a couple of days now. After hearing how buggy and awful the game was by the usual pack of naysayers, and a couple of generally reliable sources, I decided to give it a burl myself.

Ok, firstly, to point out my perspective. Currently I'm experienced in a number of MMO's (WoW, Tabula Rasa, Fury Online, WAR, I even had a short stint in LotRO among a week or two in countless others). Machinery wise - my rig should be able to handle pretty much any MMO throws at me - Quad Core Q6600, 4gb DDR2, Geforce 9800GT 512mb, 1.5TB total internal HDD capacity, 1TB external, 24" primary LCD monitor @ 1920x1200 res, 17" secondary LCD @1280x1024 res. All on Windows 7 RC1 64bit.

Oooh nasty a beta OS and 64bit to boot :O With a beta version of DirectX (11) installed by default. Surely I'm asking for trouble.

Ok, fresh from the box, I install it, it gets up to patching, informs me I need to upgrade from Directx 11 to Directx 9. Points me at the appropriate Microsoft download site. After boggling at this and trying to find any other solution than lose 4 years of DirectX upgrades, I bite the bullet and install Directx 9. Heh, turns out it's happy to run side by side with 11 and let each game choose which to run on.

After this it was just a matter of downloading the patches, approx total of 3gb worth of downloads later (ooh a year's progress in this game = 3gb, not too shabby, the dev's have been busy). I log into the game, notice that like WoW, they have "Oceanic" servers, boxes physically located in the US, but designed to run on upside-down time, and have raid clocks reset appropriately. On the recommendation of Mikes I roll on the Oceanic PvE server.

I get to the character creation screen, I'm greeted by a boat with people rowing on it. Three people tend to stand out, the slaver near the aft cabin, a scantily clad concubine looking woman inside said cabin, and one guy who's meant to be rowing, halfway down the crowd, that instead is busy daydreaming. The game asks me to pick male or female. Being that I wanted to make a big brutal melee character to follow along my tastes in other games (I like tanking, but I like giant weapons even more) I choose male. The camera zooms to the daydreamer who now stands up. It asks me to choose a number of options Race/Class etc, but more importantly, it allows me to customise my character to levels completely unseen in most major MMO's. The customisation is phenomonal. I can adjust the proportions of arms, legs, waist, chest, smile, brow, eyes so on and so forth. Brilliant.

After finally deciding I was happy my Cimmerian Guardian looked brutal enough, I accept, the boat crashes, I fall overboard, the boat sinks, I sink to the bottom of the water, but shock horror I come back up to the surface, and wash up on a beach.

The obligatory welcome happens, with an old guy, and a particularly fan-servicey lady who's tied up in a very skimpy outfit with a Russian accent to boot. I begin my adventure on the island of Tortage.

I work my way up through some quests, and come across an option to go to nighttime - as it turns out, all my story-driven questing is to be done at nighttime, solo. Like the new "phasing" system thats starting to take off in certain other major MMO's *cough WOW*. The first place I came across this concept for use of early levelling was LotRO. Worked wonders.

Turns out I didn't like the guardian as much as I'd hoped. Didn't seem right. So there he sits on my character selection screen, stuck at lvl 12. I'm sure I'll come back to him. I decide to roll something completely different, but generally my 2nd choice in fantasy games - the nasty, evil caster archetype - I want to roll a Demonologist. I choose female, camera zooms to the lady I thought to earlier be a concubine, but everything else works out the same.

I play my way through Tortage, following all the quests I can get, loving how this caster works. She's everything I dreamed my Warlock in WoW to do.

The city of Tortage really seemed alive to me. The npc's flirted, or poured their hearts into everything they said, the quests all meant something, you got to really hate Strom and Mithrelle. Every word spoken by an NPC had voice acting to it. It was truly a complete experience.

I complete the Tortage quests and get sent back to my homelands of Stygia. With designs heavily borrowed from the Egyptians. (yes I realise REH based Stygia on Egypt) The NPC's are silent. I'm sent to every corner of the world by the different NPC's - I have troubles grouping anything more than 2-3 quests to take me to the same area so I can bowl them over in succession.

The whole experience that was Tortage just did not seem to follow onto Khemi - the major port of Stygia. NPC's could not care less about me unless they had a quest for me, and then it was "I need this. Go get it.". The writing seemed to take a downturn. I'd heard among early reports that things beyond Tortage weren't completed by launch. Granted, it was by no means game breaking, but definately immersion shaking.

I had one quest that took me into an area, that while my quest was yellow to me (approx right for my level) - I died within a few moments there, and the graveyard I was sent to was surrounded by mobs 4 times my level. I hearthed, ditched that quest and found some more.

I traveled to Cimmeria, the landscape boggles me still - definately the most beautiful in game land I have ever seen. Green valleys and snow covered mountains, a rolling brook, pine trees, wolves, badgers and people with red hair I have to kill. Truly heaven.

It would seem that my fears were all misguided, as I found myself exploring smaller towns, they seem to be completely written, with well planned quests but still lacking some bits of voice acting, and nobody trying to get in my pants yet.

As with any MMO, one of the important factors is the community. Right from the word go, I noticed there was a "New Player Help" global channel, and a global general channel. I kept my eyes peeled for both. People requested help in the NPH channel and received solid, timely and friendly help from people at or near the level cap. I rubbed my eyes. I've never seen this in any MMO. Not one outburst of "Lol, noob, RTFM" to be seen. To even more amazement, the furthest general seemed to descend was when somebody tried to start an argument about how WoW was the only mmo worth playing. He didnt get any response. He shut up pretty damn quickly.

Some people were whinging about graphical errors and memory leaks. I've been monitoring my CPU and Ram load while ingame ( having a second screen with the gadgets on top of my G15 screen displaying them as well) with nothing really to report. There was use of the cpu. There was use of ram. Neither got particularly tough. I turned everything up to maximum on the settings and still no troubles. Granted I wouldn't want to try and run photoshop, maya and a hard drive defrag in the background.

All in all, I can see myself falling head over heels for this game, I'm currently lvl 22 with my main and absolutely loving it. Would I recommend somebody play it? Absolutely, grab a copy if you see it on the cheap, or if you're free to download 13gb, give the trial a whirl. You'll see what I'm talking about.

I will report back when I've tried group content, some pvp and/or hitting the level cap. Until then, I've got some leveling to do, and only 10 days left of being unemployed to do it.

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Article Source:
Vangsoe, Mads "A Latecomer's First Impressions of Age of Conan." A Latecomer's First Impressions of Age of Conan
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Warping back up a cliff

In order to help players who get stuck in the Geometry, Funcom made a /stuck command that "Rewinds" the players movement so that they can get unstuck without having to call a GM to help.

This can be exploited to warp back up a cliff where enemies cant reach you.

First, go to top of desired cliff and drop off. Don't move from this spot and just nuke or range dps your enemies from where you landed. When it gets too hot for you down there, simply type /stuck and you character will warp back up the cliff.

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Solomon Kane!

Okay, first of all I need to get something off my chest.

ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG They're fricking doing a Solomon Kane movie and it doesnt look like it's going to suck! Oh sweet jeebus yes!


Yes, the next most well known of Robert E Howard's characters (first being Conan) is going to hit our lovely cinemas soon in what looks like a truly epic scale film. No cheesy Ahhhnowld, but unfortunately also no James Earl Jones.

James Purefoy is taking up the title role. If you don't know him, he's the one you have to do a quick double-take to make sure it's not Christopher Lambert but younger.

IMDB Linkage

Official site

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Trader "Dirty tip"

When someone does a search for an item on the trader, it will give a page of results. For example, do a search for Beguiler Blood and it will show various amounts from different sellers.

If you don't like the competition and want to own the market on Beguiler Blood, break up all your stacks and sell them individually 1 at a time. This way when someone does a search, only yours will show up (assuming you have that many to sell).

People can still use the advance search feature to find other sellers, but you would be surprised how many people are too stupid to do this.

It's also handy if you have an alt with a bank guild just to use as extra storage if you plan to flood the market with something.
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Monday, August 10, 2009

Stuck Command when Stoned

For those of you who get tired of getting stoned in BRC and then getting feared to all parts of the room, here's a simple exploit.

Normally, you have time to move to say the door before you are completely stoned. So most people walk slowly to the door and gather together so the the person with the sand can unstun the whole lot of stoned people. Well, if you don't make it in time or get fear away from the door, all you need to do is enter the /stuck command. It will march you to the door. Depending on how far away you are, you may need to do this a couple times.

That's it! From there the sand person can get the whole lot in one go.
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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Age of Conan Noble District gank areas

There are two major areas that any long range class from rangers, ToS, PoM, Necros, and Demos can easily exploit!

The first and major spot that i find to help raise my KDR is by the second camp -before you enter the main city area - there is a large wall where you get on top of and stop everyone that has to go by in order to get to the main questing area.

In order to do this you climb on the junk by the wooden fence by the camp and face the small wall which when you press sprint and jump at the right moment you can get on top of! and there you are the first spot to help your KDR.

The second spot a little more obvious is past the first set of guards in the noble district, and you go down the bridge and there is a place to climb up on top of there is a great place to stealth and gank who ever come to kill the NPCs there which is really often. there you are two places to help get your KDR up
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Age of Conan cheat - levathius "no limit time for trash mob" taktik

- Tos activate Selfrezz
- Whole Raid run inside and die in front of Levithius
- Now Tos use Selfrez and rezz all People
- Clear left Trash Mob
- Clear right Trash Mob
- Now pull the 2 Guards at Door and Timer starts , Boss will spawn in 2 min
- Happy farming
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Age of Conan Eploit: farm epic bosses with assassin

For this you need an assassin with Death's Gaze specced. You simply need to get 2 soulshards, target the boss and doubleclick death's gaze. This will make any boss affected by it return to it's spawn point and stand there while you kill it. It won't reset and you can even kite if some other epic mob aggroes you while the boss keeps the same hp until you can come back to kill it.

They have shitloads of hp now though, I cba doing it myself for the 30s per kil.
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Friday, June 26, 2009

AOC: Athyr Bast One Shot Exploit

Tos activate selfrez. Have the raid move to the door. Pull the boss and have a total wipe. Tos use selfrez and then rez everyone. Nobody should accept the rez yet. Only have a tank, healer, and one other class accept it. The tank will pull Athyr Bast and tank for about 5 seconds, and then everyone else accpts the rez. This will only put the 3 people that took the original rez at risk to get the oneshot.
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

AoC Trick: Nice PvP spot

If you are a ranger with a +5 range bow on whitesands, there is a nice spot which you can get to which will prevent most players from reaching you in time to attack you.

When you first enter whitesands turn right and swim out to the little island of stone. After that, swim over the the cliff which should be in front of you. Go to the corner where the two cliffs meet and sprint-jump on top of it. this may take a few tries but eventually you will get on the side of the rock. Climb up and get on top of the tallest rock. you now have a nice view of the entrance to whitesands and you can reach pretty far with your +5 bow, you can also shoot players who are swimming over to try to get you.
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Age of Conan Necro Damage Exploit

This works best from 1-75. After 75, the damage is so small that it isnt worth the trouble. Join a mini game. Once you are in app'd level up to the max cast, cast all of your buffs and despoil the foul. You can quit the mini game now if you want. Your buffs will not drop when you leave...even if you are killed. You will have the damage bonus from despoil of your app level, not your actual level.
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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Age of Conan Rabbit Snare Exploit

There is a quest in Ymirs Pass that you get a rabbit snare when you accept the quest. The snare will spawn as a pet, so you can buff it, heal it, etc. You can spawn many of these and with friends grouped up, you can spawn even more. Have a TOS in the group use the buff for electric damage. If you and your group have spawned a ton of snares you can think of plenty of things to do I am sure.
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Sunday, May 31, 2009

ToS Exploit!, Massive AOE damage, Take out bosses easy!

You Must be 50+ to get the quest, and 60 to have the spec required to use it fully.

Ok theirs a quest giver in ymirs pass named Daolric(or something close), he gives a quest to catch a rabbit, and gives you a rabbit trap. The trap spawns basically a pet which acts as a player, it responds to storm crown ability and many others. You can spawn unlimited amounts.

Dont finish the quest, just keep the trap, at 60 you can spec into TloS, or triumphant life of set, in the Thunder tree, which heals all team mates and ads pulsing AOE damage for each it heals. Spawn a ###### load of the traps, and do it up with the abilities mentioned and you can easily level, and put out so much xp that it is possible to solo some instance bosses(I was able to solo most of the Sewers under Tarantia, netting me some great items and amazing xp)

Unfortunately it only works for ToS, but if you group with a buddy, perhaps even another healer, you can level friends and yourself very quickly.

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Age of Conan - A Review

Age of Conan - A Review

Age of Conan - A Review
By Mads Vangsoe

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures

Age of Conan has been one of the most anticipated MMORPGs for a long time. There are several reasons for this. The biggest is probably the name. Conan is very well known; in Europe probably most of the films with the California governor in the leading role, while comic books probably has been the most popular in the U.S. and less widespread in Europe. Another reason is because it's Norwegian Funcom, which is behind. They have led to the success of Anarchy Online and Age of Conan should show what they have made of experience in this industry. Last but not least because early Funcom declared that they would follow the original Conan submission where Hyboria (the world it all takes place in) is a violent place, without placing constraints on, and thus make the first MMORPG with a 18 + PEGI rating. Looking on the box, we see that it has at least succeeded with this.

As in all MMORPGs, we make our own character. In Age of Conan, there are 3 cultures of human choice. So no elvere, dwarves or orker here. What culture you choose has an impact on where you start down after the introductory area, and what professions you can choose from. There are 12 professions, divided into 4 different types: fighters, healers, magicians and "light warriors' who prefer physical battle but without the big armor and big weapons. The 12 professionals offers good variety and there should certainly be something for all. Although they are listed up as types in a standard MMORPG, there is no standard against them. Hyboria is a violent place, and even healers are formidable warriors, and certainly not those who stand in the background and let others fight for them. The appearance can be amended and even though there are only a limited number of tattoos, scars, hair styles and the like to provide uniform shape, the system to design the body and face, is so deep that it is possible to built a unique character to play with.

Once you have created your character, it becomes time to explore Hyboria. Or rather the island of Tortage, where the first 20 levels of the game is on. The first 20 levels acts as an introduction to the game, and already here it shows that Funcom are not afraid to explore new avenues. Just as the Lord of the Rings Online Age of Conan is heavily driven by story, and the island of Tortage is an introduction to the story that will follow you the rest of the way to level 80 In order to deliver the story as well as possible, Funcom has done it for a Single-story. So even though the game is a MMORPG, so much of your time the first 20 levels set Single. There is also much to do in multiplayer at this stage, and you can even switch between Single-and multiplayer when you feel like it. The normal daily cycle is out of the loop at the beginning and at night you play Single-player, while the days are reserved for multiplayer. A bold way to build a MMORPG, but it works extremely well. When you have fought through the introduction witch you will end about level 20, you are ready to explore the rest of Hyboria, which takes place in the traditional way, ie in multiplayer mode, but a few quests dealing with the main story, which takes place in Single.

Hyboria is a very violent society and it is also reflected in the game. Fighting is clouded aspect of the game, and Funcom has also been innovative. They wanted to create a battle system where you do not just press buttons in timed sequences, which often ends up in an online role-playing. It is partly managed with their combo system. There is no auto-attack in the Age of Conan. Instead, in the beginning 3 attack buttons (buttons 1, 2 and 3) that we should press when you want to attack. Later there will be 2 more, so you have 5 buttons in total. 1 is an assault weapon which swings from left to right, 2 is a frontal attack, and 3 is an attack from right to left. Same enemies makes himself looked up to protect themselves against attack from certain directions, as shown with small 'shield' in front of them. It would then be important to use attack from the direction where there is less protection. It is reasonably simple, but as you rise in level, The system becomes more and more advanced. You get the specific attack combinations, which starts with a click of a button and you should perform a specific combination of attacks to create a special effect. There are many of them, and when you put them together with magic, as players are also able to use so that it supplied some very tactical battles which, despite the fact that there are a lot of them are never trivial or boring. These include a lot more movement to position itself in the right place so that frames the enemy or enemies properly all the time. If you lose a battle, it can often be traced back to a wrong decision during the battle and so it is not that your character does not have the right weapon or armor on, as is often the case in traditional role-playing.

This combo system is also one of the most discussed elements in the Age of Conan. Properly executed combos can lead to fatalities, as the extra brutal ways to beat the enemy to death. For example, by chopping the head of them, bury the sword through them and then kick them overthrow or similar. Common to all fatalities is that they are extremely bloody, as Funcom stresses by allowing the blood from the enemy spraying up on the screen. There is no doubt why Age of Conan has been a 18 + rating. At first glance it may seem a bit like platforms, but there is actually a good effect in the game, and helps emphasize the violent world in which the game takes place. It is also to make fatalities for something special, as always, produces a small smile when they succeed.

Once you leave Tortage, the first you observe is, that Hyboria is not a large and open world. As is seen in other games, which among other things, Ever Quest II, then the world put together by 'instances' were you can not travel freely everywhere. You have to find transportation options, which will then 'zap' you to a new area. It is a little disappointing, but understandable when you know it is to reduce lag. One thing which is less understandable is that some areas may exist in several versions (Something EQ II also takes advantage of), so if there are too many players in one area, then there is made an extra copy of it - And that is actually slightly sad. This will inevitably make the interaction between the players less, and here in the beginning, there has been some bugs with the system so that you have not been able to switch versions. So even though a group was at the same place in Hyboria, they could be spread over several versions and could not see each other or implement quests together. To reach the same version of a field the players had to travel far, or just be dying or logging in and out. This has obviously put a damper on the groups.

When you see the graphics in Age of Conan - the instance system is now all forgiven. The graphics are really nice and detail-filled, even on an older machine, which this notification. Hyboria is full of detail and where you can see that other online games puts restrictions on the number of shrubs, trees and the like, to ensure the performance, Age of Conan is not holding back. Cities are not only the same 10 building types repeated over and over again, but filled with small details that distinguish them from each other, which is really beautiful and makes them seem as real cities, not just pixels on a screen. When we have very detailed people run around, it's no wonder that Funcom have forced themselves to introduce an instance system to ensure performance in the game. A place where Funcom unfortunately have not spent so much time is the interface. It is not completely thought out. Especially chat interface acts as a second-hand work and it is a shame because after all is an important thing to talk to other players for an online game, and is strongly constrained to a not very intuitive interface.

The sound in a game like this is very important. It is after all a game to be played very long, so the sound will be long. It is also supported. The music is pretty good and although it safe enough to become tired of it at a time, then it will probably last a good while. I am at least not yet tired of it. There is not much to tell about the .ound effects. Background sounds and sound effects do not stand out, but it is also rare that it happens in mmorpgs.

There is also other stuff then battle in the game. When you are level 20 you can learn how to gather resources, and when you are level 40, you learn so to make things out of these resources. During this review, I was only able to sniff at crafting and here Funcom has decided to try something new. The whole system is based on quests. It dosen't help leveling your crafting skills, by using large amounts of resources and make a lot of things - but you level by completing quests. Anyone can learn the 6 different collection skills which will be used to gather resources. One need only to complete the first quest thouge. When it is complete you can - when your level is high enough - get the next quest, where you learn how to gather more resources. The same principle applies to crafting, so to make things. You can only learn a profession, and must choose. But once you learn to do new things by completing quests. So the boring monotonous work, to make hundreds of the same object to be better, has completely eliminated in Age of Conan. In return, your crafting profession is inextricably linked to your character level.

An exciting thing when a new MMORPG launches must have the operational quality. Last time Funcom tried, namely with Anarchy Online, it went completely wrong. The servers went down, clients crashede and it took many months before they had addressed it. They have fortunately learned from that, and Age of Conan launch went much better, although it did not go smoothly. The servers have been very stable, but there are many players who have put up with bugs, which has made it hard to play. Either because they can not update or install the game or because they can not log in Annoying errors that might be difficult to avoid and which it did not have to be hit by. But Funcom has this sense dummet a little, for their online customer service has been largely non-existent in the start-up so that people who have experienced them have received little attention. People have established contacts in the game (petitions), and patiently waited for help for many hours without getting it. When they saw the next day return, there is simply a message that their petition has been deleted because they were not online when Funcom approached (and in many cases the contact took the middle of the night European time). It's just not good enough.

I have fortunately been spared the major problems, but has one bug that really bothers me. NPC'ere are often invisible, leading to some pretty frustrating experience sometimes. For example, when running through a city and suddenly being assaulted at invisible enemies. Please allow up to 20 seconds before they suddenly materialize, and then the battle is often lost. Battle system is based on that one place is true in relation to the enemy and it is therefore difficult when they are invisible. In other situations you can run around and look for a specific person, and even if you stand on the spot where the person should be, he is not. So patience is a good thing to wait in a minute, then that person probably emerge as a magical way. This can also be exploied to a advanced for the gamer.

Nobody doubts that Age of Conan is a breath of fresh air to the MMORPG-genre. Funcom is not afraid to try new stuff, and it should certainly be commended for at a time when it seems as if developers are queuing up to emulate World of Warcraft. Some might not care about the many instances which have Age of Conan to work less well, and destroys the illusion of a cohesive world to explore, and I should then like to admit that I had hoped there were fewer instances. But when you look how beautiful the area is, then it might be just the price we must pay for it. Battle system is very exciting and I believe that other MMORPG's will be leaning from Age of Conan in the future - for this is something more interesting than we have seen in any other game. Whether it is enough to ensure a solid group of supporters is hard to say. PVP portion of the Guild, fighting against each other is not really got going yet, but it will most likely also attract a lot. In addition, there is crafting, which does not work as a wholehearted effort by Funcom, but whether this is because I did not reach that far with it, is hard to say. Age of Conan is based on quests, and there are a lot of them and they work thorough and filled with anecdotes, but nothing new in this genre, so it is hardly a crowd-puller in itself. But for online role-playing, you should make the service to review Age of Conan (and remember to get a little further than level 20, when the game switches to character). Who knows, maybe you are in love with Funcom's Hyboria world. If you are allergic to bugs, and not so technically savvy with your PC's settings, it might be an idea to wait a bit to try it out, hopefully Funcom will have eliminated the worst bugs soon.

Finally, I just mention that a notification of a MMORPG can not be written just after just 3 weeks of games. It can not be more than a description of the first impression and MMORPG are games to be played long and often to really show what they can. So take it with a pinch of salt. There is plenty of potential in the Age of Conan, but if Funcom exploit it, the time will tell.

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