Friday, February 27, 2009

AoC Script: guard auto combo/stance changer

This is for 30 guard (if you have higher guard you may need to change combos)
This will change to frenze stance on the last hit on 2 main combo's. I bound them to Q and E.
It will also finish every combo for you.
It can detect button press (4-5-6-7-8-9) and then will finish combo.
It will also detect mouse press but you need to get coords for that to work.
I use the coords of the pic of the combo in the combo icon that pops up when u do a combo.
This has timing for each combo.
Adjust as you see fit.

You need autoit3 for the script to run.

Default key binds.

Q =
flashing arc 3
left attack
right attack

E =
flashing arc 2
right attack

These need to be this way or changed in script

4 = flashing arc 3
5 = guard 2 or 1 ----used to refreash stance change
6 = flashing arc 2
7 = slam -------------used to refreash stance change
8 = Enraging strike 3
9 = Brutal Enraging strike 3

alt1 = left arrow
alt2 = up arrow
alt3 = right arrow
alt4 = buff
alt5 = frenze stance
alt6 = guard stance


; Detect windows by class name
opt("winTitleMatchMode", 4)
If @error Then
MsgBox(4096, "Error", "detect window")

; Set Coordinate mode to relative to window
AutoItSetOption ( "PixelCoordMode", 2 )
AutoItSetOption ( "MouseCoordMode", 2 )
AutoItSetOption ( "SendKeyDownDelay", 50 )

global $Window = winGetHandle("classname=Conan")
If @error Then
MsgBox(4096, "Error", "Could not find the correct window WinActivate($Window); ")

; Main Loop
While WinExists($Window)

$button34 = button4();
$button35 = button5();
$button36 = button6();
$button38 = button8();
$button39 = button9();

If _IsPressed("51") == 1 Then
Send ( "!4" ) ; buff
sleep (200)
Send ( "4" ) ; combo
sleep (500)
Send ( "!1" ) ; left attack
sleep (200)
Send ( "!5" ) ; frenze
sleep (1000)
Send ( "!3" ) ; right attack
sleep (1900)
Send ( "!6" ) ; guard

If _IsPressed("45") == 1 Then
Send ( "!4" ) ; buff
sleep (200)
Send ( "6" ) ; combo
sleep (500)
Send ( "!5" ) ; frenze
sleep (1000)
Send ( "!3" ) ; right attack
sleep (1900)
Send ( "!6" ) ; guard

If _IsPressed("34") == 1 Then
Send ( "!4" ) ; buff
sleep (200)
Send ( "!1" ) ; left attack
sleep (1500)
Send ( "!3" ) ; right attack
sleep (1500)

If $button34 == 1 Then
Send ( "!4" ) ; buff
sleep (200)
Send ( "!1" ) ; left attack
sleep (1500)
Send ( "!3" ) ; right attack
sleep (1500)

If _IsPressed("35") == 1 Then
Send ( "!4" ) ; buff
sleep (200)
Send ( "!1" ) ; left attack
sleep (1500)

If $button35 == 1 Then
Send ( "!4" ) ; buff
sleep (200)
Send ( "!1" ) ; left attack
sleep (1500)

If _IsPressed("36") == 1 Then
Send ( "!4" ) ; buff
sleep (200)
Send ( "!3" ) ; right attack
sleep (1500)

If $button36 == 1 Then
Send ( "!4" ) ; buff
sleep (200)
Send ( "!3" ) ; right attack
sleep (1500)

If _IsPressed("38") == 1 Then
Send ( "!4" ) ; buff
sleep (200)
Send ( "!3" ) ; right attack
sleep (1500)
Send ( "!1" ) ; left attack
sleep (1500)

If $button38 == 1 Then
Send ( "!4" ) ; buff
sleep (200)
Send ( "!3" ) ; right attack
sleep (1500)
Send ( "!1" ) ; left attack
sleep (1500)

If _IsPressed("39") == 1 Then
Send ( "!4" ) ; buff
sleep (200)
Send ( "!1" ) ; left attack
sleep (1500)
Send ( "!3" ) ; right attack
sleep (1500)

If $button39 == 1 Then
Send ( "!4" ) ; buff
sleep (200)
Send ( "!1" ) ; left attack
sleep (1500)
Send ( "!3" ) ; right attack
sleep (1500)


Func button4()

If pixelgetcolor(796, 688) = $color1 then
return 1;
return 0;


Func button5()

If pixelgetcolor(805, 690) = $color1 then
return 1;
return 0;


Func button6()

If pixelgetcolor(813, 722) = $color1 then
return 1;
return 0;


Func button8()

If pixelgetcolor(799, 702) = $color1 then
return 1;
return 0;


Func button9()

If pixelgetcolor(792, 693) = $color1 then
return 1;
return 0;


Autoit is pressed key mapping. This should help understand ispressed func.

01 Left mouse button
02 Right mouse button
04 Middle mouse button (three-button mouse)
05 Windows 2000/XP: X1 mouse button
06 Windows 2000/XP: X2 mouse button
09 TAB key
0C CLEAR key
0D ENTER key
10 SHIFT key
11 CTRL key
12 ALT key
13 PAUSE key
14 CAPS LOCK key
1B ESC key
21 PAGE UP key
22 PAGE DOWN key
23 END key
24 HOME key
26 UP ARROW key
29 SELECT key
2A PRINT key
2D INS key
2E DEL key
30 0 key
31 1 key
32 2 key
33 3 key
34 4 key
35 5 key
36 6 key
37 7 key
38 8 key
39 9 key
41 A key
42 B key
43 C key
44 D key
45 E key
46 F key
47 G key
48 H key
49 I key
4A J key
4B K key
4C L key
4D M key
4E N key
4F O key
50 P key
51 Q key
52 R key
53 S key
54 T key
55 U key
56 V key
57 W key
58 X key
59 Y key
5A Z key
5B Left Windows key
5C Right Windows key
60 Numeric keypad 0 key
61 Numeric keypad 1 key
62 Numeric keypad 2 key
63 Numeric keypad 3 key
64 Numeric keypad 4 key
65 Numeric keypad 5 key
66 Numeric keypad 6 key
67 Numeric keypad 7 key
68 Numeric keypad 8 key
69 Numeric keypad 9 key
6A Multiply key
6B Add key
6C Separator key
6D Subtract key
6E Decimal key
6F Divide key
70 F1 key
71 F2 key
72 F3 key
73 F4 key
74 F5 key
75 F6 key
76 F7 key
77 F8 key
78 F9 key
79 F10 key
7A F11 key
7B F12 key
7C-7F F13 key - F16 key
80H-87H F17 key - F24 key
90 NUM LOCK key
A0 Left SHIFT key
A1 Right SHIFT key
A2 Left CONTROL key
A3 Right CONTROL key
A4 Left MENU key
A5 Right MENU key
BA ;
BB =
BC ,
BD -
BE .
BF /
C0 `
DB [
DC \
DD ]

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AoC Mod - minimalist ui

WerikUI is the first Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Graphical User Interface (GUI) modification.

This mod tries to appeal to those who prefer the cleared out, minimalistic but at the same time informative GUI over visually richer interfaces which take up more screen space.

  • Target of target

  • Latency bar

  • Third bindable shortcutbar

  • Shiftable man actionbar

  • Stripped of unneccessary graphical elements.

  • Simple, redesigned player and target portraits.

  • Allways Alt Shortcutbar.

  • Numeric Soul Fragment bar.

  • Target class icons.

  • Reduced portrait and shortcutbar size

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Age of Conan Immortal Bug

*This might be patched*
Stuff you'll need crafted armor and crafted gems

Some gems give 1.4% Evasion/Dodge, so if you slot them into all in your crafted armor your dodge will increase madly making it impossible for you to take damage

You can make 13 crafted items each with 3 gem slots. that is 39 slots in total.
You can put 1.4% in each gem slot. 39x1.4=54.6% dodge
double tab back (S) that is another 50% dodge

Total dodge is 104.6%

If you want you can also use magic immunity gems. These are stackabled gems too. This increases your stats too and it makes you hard to hit.

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Age of Conan HoX Sprint Exploit

Ran across this bug that allows HoXs to sprint away:

Use demon form
Attack with 1 2 or 3 (directional)
Just before the end of the demon form, use sprint
You will always sprint until you unhold your weapon

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ahazu-Zhagam Guide

This is a strategy that our guild uses...and is close too 100% successful...hope you find it useful.

Things to know before you begin:
Ahazu-Zhagam does barely any damage on his own, his poison cloud and add's are the key to the encounter.

The poison cloud:
If you stand in the poison cloud you will be afflicted with a stacking DoT that does around 300 a tick, stacking up to 900 if I'm not mistaken.

The adds:
Two adds spawn every minute after the pull, no variance. Your raid should have just enough DPS to kill these and do some DPS to the boss before the next wave.

The key to the encounter is to have your tank slowly backing up to avoid the poison cloud but not at a pace that will cause your raid to run out of room. While the tank slowly moves the raids job is to DPS the add waves as they spawn and get 2-3 combos worth of DPS onto the boss inbetween waves. If dealing with the adds are not a problem ranged DPS can stay on the boss at all times.

Things not to do:-Ripping aggro will destroy your attempt. Green gas will spam everywhere and you're better off to wipe immediately to save time.

  • Moving your tank too slow. You'll notice when hes doing this as he will start to lose HP at a prodigious rate.

  • Moving your tank too fast. You'll run out of room as the mob reaches its last quarter of HP.

  • Try to buff up poison invulnerability and eat the cloud.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Age of Conan Exploit: unlimited skill points (max out overnight)

Hi guys this is a pritey cool thing i found, takes some time to do but if you want you can draw realy good advantage from this.

    1: Open the skill point page "P"
    2: then you see the text right under "skill point" that says "points to distrubute" Hold down Alt and left click on the name.
    3: then a new box will pop up asking if you want to reset the skill flaggs for 0. hit "yes"
    4: wolla!! you just gott 1 extra skill point. but you cant apply it?
    5: press "p" twice (close then open the page again) and then you can spend it.

No if you try do that again it will not work. now you need somthing that makes the game load a littel. Like Go from kesh to purple lotus. make a point. then go from purple to kesh make a new point and over and over again.....and yes it takes some time to grind up 800 on every skill point Razz

Bonus tip: If you enter epic. then you gott a friend in kesh normal. and his the leader, the system will ask you if you want to shift over to normal instance. before hitting yes goe some. like from the gate down to duel spot/arch. when you hit yes it will load (trying to transfere you over) often it will not manage it and you will be were you started with the same question if you want to change are.

Then you hit yes. make point. hit yes. make point. and over and over. Easy to macro so you can easly let it stay over the night grinding this points Smile

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Instant Respawn Lvl 50 Mob For Great XP

I'd get on this before its fixed people!

Quest Location:
Settlement of Denog, Eiglophian Mountains
Quest Giver: Rogan
Quest Title: Path of the Raven
Quest Level: I took it at lvl 47

The scoop:
Take this quest, that requires you to take feathers from a Ravens nest. When you walk up to the nest a lvl 50 Ice creature mob named Corvidae spawns and attacks you. DO NOT place feathers. Instead backup 10 feet and walk back towards nest and mob spawns again instantly. At level 48 I was getting just under 1k XP for killing this easy mob. Repeat to your hearts content. This isnt a one minute timer its INSTANT. Great little grind spot.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Guardians can use this exploit to hide the flag without the movement penalty. When the guardian takes the flag, he will use last stand. After he uses that, the skull will disappear. The movement penalty will also be gone. Now the guardian can just hide.
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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Roleplayin' Episode 0: The Roleplayer

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